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WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today voted to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Clean Air Act.  Estimates show that GHG regulations will have a crushing impact on businesses large and small, as well as consumers, with little environmental benefit.  The EPA has moved without congressional approval to regulate GHGs as part of the Obama Administration’s controversial global warming/climate change initiative.  The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power took action today to move forward the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011.

"Regulation of greenhouse gases is simply another energy tax," Olson said. "These regulations will harm families and businesses in America at a time when our economy is still struggling. The Obama Administration’s failed energy policies and the unrest in the Middle East are pushing gas prices higher and the EPA's proposal will only further drive up gas prices. 

"The Clean Air Act was never intended to regulate GHG's and only Congress has the constitutional authority to make changes to that law - not EPA.  America needs a comprehensive, all of the above, energy plan that provides affordable energy for our nation.   Stopping the EPA’s overreach provides the private sector the certainty it needs to help create jobs and get our economy back on track."

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 will not change or weaken the Clean Air Act's ability to protect Americans from harmful air pollution.  The Clean Air Act has successfully reduced air pollution and will continue to be used to monitor, regulate and reduce pollutants to protect Americans health.  The bill simply clarifies the fact that the Clean Air Act does not grant EPA the authority to regulate greenhouse gases to address climate change. 

