NRL's Dr. Elaine Oran Receives Dryden Lectureship Award

2/28/2002 - 14-02r
Contact: Public Affairs Office, (202) 767-2541

Dr. Elaine S. Oran, Senior Scientist for Reactive Flow Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), has received the Dryden Lectureship in Research Award. The award is presented by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Dr. Oran presented the lecture, titled "Matchsticks, Scramjets, and Black Holes: Numerical Simulation Faces Reality" on January 14, 2002, at the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit in Reno, Nevada.

The Dryden Lectureship in Research was named in honor of Dr. Hugh L. Dryden in 1967. The lecture emphasizes the great importance of basic research to the advancement of aeronautics and astronautics and is a salute to research scientists and engineers. NRL's Dr. Herbert Friedman, the late Chief Scientist Emeritus for NRL's E.O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, presented the Dryden Lecture in 1973.

Dr. Oran is known for her pioneering applications of numerical simulation for solving problems in fluid dynamics and reacting flows. She has made pivotal contributions to a broad range of problems in combustion and propulsion, atmospheric physics, and solar physics and astrophysics. Her work has contributed to both basic science and to advanced engineering applications. She has over 300 publications to her credit, and these have been published in a wide range of scientific journals, proceedings, and magazines. With Dr. Jay P. Boris, she has coauthored the book Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow, whose second edition was published by Cambridge University Press in 2001. Her current areas of research include microfluids (the dynamics of flows in micro- and nanodevices), the physics of deflagrations and detonations, and the physics of astrophysical supernovae.

Dr. Oran is a Fellow of the AIAA, a previous AIAA Vice President for Publications and a member of the AIAA Board of Directors. She is also a Fellow of the American Physical Society and one of the founders and previous chairs of the Society's Division of Computational Physics. She is on the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute, and is Vice President of the Institute of the Dynamics of Energetic and Reactive Systems. She is currently a Managing Editor of the journal Shock Waves and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Computational Physics.

In 1979, Dr. Oran received the Arthur S. Fleming Award and in 1988 the WISE Award in Science, given for achievement in science by Women in Science and Engineering. In 1999, she received the Oppenheim Prize for "outstanding contributions to the theory of the dynamics of explosions and reactive systems." And in 2000, she received the Ya. B. Zeldovich Gold Medal, prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Combustion Institute, and given for "outstanding contributions to the theory of combustion and detonations." In 2001 she became an Honorary Professor of the University of Wales.

Dr. Oran received her A.B. degree in physics and chemistry from Bryn Mawr College in 1966. She earned her M.Ph. degree in physics in 1968 and her Ph.D. degree in engineering and applied science in 1972, both from Yale University. She has been at NRL since 1972.

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