United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers

VISN 19 MIRECC Staff: Lisa M. Betthauser, MBA

Lisa M. Betthauser, MBA

Updated: 13 September 2012


Biography & Contact

Lisa M. Betthauser, MBA
Title: Research Assistant
Contact information:
303.399.8020 ext. 5643
Since 2007, Lisa has been a member of the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 19 Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) research team and suicide consultation service. She has been integrally involved in the development of a uniform suicide nomenclature. She has worked with researchers to develop the Suicide and Self-Harm Classification System (SSHCS), prior to the current SDVCS. The VISN 19 MIRECC research team collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to refine terms and definitions associated with the current classification system. As a co-investigator on the prior QUERI Rapid Response Project, she served as one of the research coordinators, collected data, and assisted in the trainings and focus groups of the nomenclature at the Denver VA and Grand Junction VA Medical Centers. Lisa has three years of experience working with Dr. Brenner in the field of suicide, across multiple studies.

Research Projects

Strength and Awareness in Action (Yoga & Veterans)
Research Team: Lisa A. Brenner PhD, Theresa Hernández PhD, Lisa Betthauser, Ann Bortz PsyD, Nazanin H. Bahraini PhD, Bridget Matarazzo PsyD, Lindsey L. Monteith PhD
While there is a dearth of evidence-based treatment for co-occurring PTSD and mTBI, it has been suggested that best practices entail treating presenting symptoms (hyperarousal, hypoarousal, emotional reactivity, irritability, depression, anxiety, concentration problems). Yoga may be particularly well-suited to treating returning servicemen as data suggests that core symptoms that develop with a history of trauma exposure, are physiologically based, somatically experienced and often not amenable to change through talking alone. Research suggests that that moment-to-moment awareness of present experience may decrease emotional reactivity and anxiety, and increase the capacity for self-regulation. Mindfulness skills have also been associated with: building resilience in the midst of stress; allowing one to better cope with physical discomfort; decreasing anxiety and depression; decreasing reactivity. An 8-week, 16-session, hatha yoga intervention will be conducted with Veterans to assess the acceptability and feasibility of an intervention in this population. Veterans will be screened and assessed for mental and physical health prior to enrolling in the intervention. Weekly sessions, out of session practice, and weekly assessments will track possible changes in the Veterans quality of life, mental and physical health.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Recent Publications (since 2009)

Betthauser LM, Bahraini N, Krengel MH, Brenner LA. Self-Report Measures to Identify Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Associated Symptoms in Military Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Neuropsychol Rev. 2012 Feb 19.
Individuals serving in Iraq and Afghanistan sustain injuries associated with physical and psychological trauma. Among such injuries, mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common. Self-report measures are frequently used to identify mTBI and/or PTSD and symptoms associated with these conditions. In addition to providing information regarding mTBI and PTSD, the goal of this literature review was to identify and present information on the psychometric properties of measures used to obtain information regarding these common conditions among Veterans who have returned from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). A comprehensive review of studies in which self-report measures were used to evaluate mTBI, PTSD, and associated symptoms among OEF/OIF Veterans is presented. Findings suggest that additional work is needed to identify psychometrically sound and clinically useful self-report measures that assess mTBI and PTSD and associated symptoms among OEF/OIF Veterans.
Keywords: OEF/OIF/OND, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Brenner, L. A., Betthauser, L.M., Homaifar, B. Y., Villarreal, E., Harwood, J. E., Staves, P. J., & Huggins, J. A. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and suicide attempt history among Veterans receiving mental health services. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 41, 416-423.
History of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been found to increase risk of suicidal behavior. The association between suicide attempt history among veterans with PTSD and/or TBI was explored. Cases (N = 81) and 2:1 matched controls (N = 160) were randomly selected from a Veterans Affairs Medical Center clinical database. PTSD history was associated with an increased risk for a suicide attempt (OR = 2.8; 95% CI: 1.5, 5.1). This increased risk was present for those with and without a history of TBI. Results support incorporating PTSD history when assessing suicide risk among veterans with and without TBI.
Keywords: Suicide, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Brenner, L.A., Breshears, R.E., Betthauser, L.M., Bellon, K. K., Holman, E., Harwood, J. E., Silverman, M. M., Huggins, J. & Nagamoto, H. T. (2011). Implementation of a suicide nomenclature within two VA healthcare settings. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.
Implementation of a Suicide Nomenclature within Two VA Healthcare Settings Those who work in the field of Veteran’s care, as well as educators, researchers, and professionals providing direct mental health services agree that learning more about and preventing suicide represents a highly critical goal. Yet, up to now, researchers and mental health professionals lacked a shared language for defining suicidal behavior. This study discusses implementation of the Center for Disease Controls’ Self-Directed Violence Classification System (SDVCS) and an accompanying Clinical Tool (CT) at two VA healthcare facilities (in Denver and Grand Junction, CO). Results of this study show that implementing a more unified language is possible, while at the same time highlights some of the challenges and barriers to adoption of this system. This study provides important information regarding implementation of the SDVCS throughout the VA system.
Keywords: Suicide
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Gutierrez, P.M., Brenner, L.A., Olson-Madden, J.H., Breshears, R., Homaifar, B.Y., Betthauser, L.M., et al. (Staves, P. J., & Adler, L.E.) (2009). Consultation as a means of veteran suicide prevention. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 40(6), 586-592.
The development and implementation of a suicide consultation service being run by an interdisciplinary team in a metropolitan Veteran’s Administration (VA) medical center is described. This service is grounded in a collaborative theoretical framework. An overview of the consultation process and theoretical and empirical literature to support the framework used by the service are provided. Some of the interventions commonly recommended to referring clinicians to reduce client suicide risk are reviewed. Although there are many challenges to running a service such as this, the authors conclude that the model presented is flexible enough to be applied in a variety of settings.
Keywords: Suicide, Evidence Based Treatment
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Terrio, H. P., Nelson, L. A., Betthauser, L. M., Harwood, J. E., & Brenner, L.A. (2011). Postdeployment traumatic brain injury screening questions: Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values in returning soldiers. Rehabilitation Psychology, 56(1), 26-31.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of Post-Deployment Health Assessment traumatic brain injury (TBI) screening questions employed by the Department of Defense (DOD). Participants: Complete data was obtained from 3,072 soldiers upon return from a 15-month deployment to Iraq. METHOD: Comparisons were made between responses to the DOD four-item screener and a brief structured clinical interview for likely deployment-related TBI history. The interview process was facilitated using responses to the Warrior Administered Retrospective Casualty Assessment Tool (WARCAT). RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of the DOD screening tool (positive response to all four items) in comparison to the clinician-confirmed diagnosis was 60% and 96%, respectively. The sensitivity increased to 80%, with a slight decrease in specificity to 93%, for positive TBI screening when affirmative responses to questions 1 and 2 only were included. CONCLUSIONS: Affirmative responses to questions 1 and 2 of the DOD TBI screening tool demonstrated higher sensitivity for clinician-diagnosed deployment-related TBI. These two items perform better than positive responses to all four questions; the criteria presently being used for documentation and referral of a deployment-related TBI. These findings support further exploration of TBI screening and assessment procedures.
Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), OEF/OIF/OND
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