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Yarmuth Calls on Speaker to Provide Disaster Assistance to Louisville

(Washington, DC) Following the wreckage caused by the severe windstorm that hit Louisville yesterday, Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) called on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to provide assistance for Louisville in the disaster assistance bill that will be considered by Congress in the coming days.  Pelosi announced today that a package would be expedited to meet recovery needs associated with Hurricanes Gustav and Ike as well as recent wildfires, tornadoes, and flooding throughout the country.

A text of Congressman Yarmuth’s letter is below.

September 15, 2008

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Representatives
H-232, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Madam Speaker,

On behalf of the Third Congressional District of Kentucky, I am writing to request funding for disaster assistance for those impacted by the storms that recently devastated our region.

As you know, the remnants of Hurricane Ike struck Kentucky on Sunday, peaking in Louisville with winds of 75 miles per hour.  The resulting wreckage has closed schools and roads, caused significant damage to homes and businesses, and left more than 280,000 households without electricity.  The full scope of the damage is not yet known, and even with full commitment of the city and state’s resources, it will be weeks before many Louisville families regain power or businesses reopen.

I ask that the House work as quickly as possible to provide the resources necessary for a swift and full recovery.  This funding will assist communities in cleaning up wreckage and debris, repairing damaged infrastructure, and providing housing options for families whose homes were destroyed. 

I understand the House has an ambitious legislative schedule for the closing weeks of the session.  I ask that you place a high priority on Louisville’s recovery and expedite the legislative process so that families, localities, and small businesses can take advantage of assistance to rebuild our community as soon as possible. 

I appreciate your immediate attention to this urgent situation.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


John Yarmuth
Member of Congress