Category Archives: Innovation

i3 Grant Provides STEM Graduation Path for Colorado Students

Thanks to the implementation of a five-year, $3.6 million Investing in Innovation (i3) grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Skyline High School in Longmont, Colo., is getting a second chance.  Six years ago, Skyline was considered a “ghetto school … Continue reading

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Community Partnerships for the Digital Learning Revolution

I wasn’t surprised to learn that my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama –The Rocket City – has launched one of the largest school district transitions to digital learning in the nation. I recently visited Huntsville to learn from their experience, and … Continue reading

Posted in Education Technology, Headlines, Innovation, News, Schools and Community | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Early Math Teachers Celebrate ‘Critical Thinking, Not Correct Answers’

With math literacy a must for most jobs in our knowledge economy, Secretary Duncan has called math teachers “our nation-builders of the future.” Yet, just 40 percent of 4th-graders and 35 percent of 8th-graders are proficient in math, according to … Continue reading

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Unlocking Human Potential: The Cost of Conflating Potential and Performance

I recently gave a TEDx MidAtlantic talk entitled Unlocking Human Potential: Why We Need a New Infrastructure for Learning about Learning. My premise was that we have the opportunity to tap into vast amounts of latent human potential; but, to do so quickly, we … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, Innovation, News | 2 Comments

Driving Productivity in Postsecondary Education Through Innovation

The Department of Education (ED) seeks to encourage innovation in higher education teaching and learning to drive productivity, quality, and equity. To contribute to the national conversation in this arena, ED, in collaboration with the White House Office of Science … Continue reading

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Schools That Can

For each of the last three years, Secretary Duncan has started the school year with a bus tour visiting schools and communities across the country to find what’s working in education and to hear the concerns, insights, and lessons learned … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Innovation, Promise Neighborhoods, Success Stories | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Back-to-School Bus Tour Takes Shape – CA, NV, UT

What do tech startups, the Biggest Little City in the World, and great skiing have in common? They’re the first things that come to my mind when describing the early stops on ED’s Education Drives America cross-country bus tour. Silicon … Continue reading

Posted in Back To School Tour, Back to School Tour 2012, Headlines, Innovation, News, Teachers | Comments Off

Connected Educator Month: Game-Based Learning

The topic of “game-based learning” is gaining considerable attention as more and more young people are learning from games outside of school and more and more teachers are leveraging the power of games to engage students in school. Well-designed games … Continue reading

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Education Innovation Clusters: Accelerating Innovation Through Regional Partnerships

At a time when advances in technology and digital media hold the potential to dramatically reshape the way we approach instruction, assessment, and research, many barriers still continue to slow innovation in learning, teaching and educational technologies.  Accelerating the pace … Continue reading

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Reading Recovery: i3 Grantee Has Immediate Impact on Young Readers

When young children struggle to read, they can quickly fall behind their classmates in a number of subjects. Teachers with the 27-year old Reading Recovery program work one-on-one with 1st graders to rapidly reverse that descent, developing tailored strategies that … Continue reading

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Open Data for College Affordability and Better Student Outcomes

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. The Obama Administration recently launched the Education Data Initiative to help students and their families benefit from innovation enabled by open data from the US government and other sources.  By working to make education data more … Continue reading

Posted in Federal Student Aid, Headlines, Innovation, News | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Summer Seminar Gets Personal

Recently teachers from across the country participated in a summer seminar to grapple with an emerging hot topic in education:  how to personalize learning in a classroom full of diverse students with varying interests, skills and learning styles. The seminar, … Continue reading

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