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Story Funding Programs 6-1

Chapter 2   Assistance to States & Tribes

Image of George Washington's face from a dollar bill superimposed with the American flag
Funding Programs – Matching funds help States, Tribes, and communities operate every aspect of their child welfare systems, from prevention of child abuse and neglect to adoption.

Funding sources include:

  • Title IV-E of the Social Security Act (foster care expenses and administration, adoption assistance)
  • Title IV-B of the Social Security Act (preventive intervention, alternative placements, family reunification, family preservation and support, services to support adoptions)
  • Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (funds to help older youth and former foster youth acquire training and independent living skills)
  • CAPTA State Grants (to improve State child protective service systems)
  • Community-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Children’s Justice Act (to improve investigation and prosecution of child abuse and neglect)
  • Court Improvement Projects (to improve courts’ handling of child abuse and neglect litigation)


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