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Story Adoption Outcomes 7-4

Chapter 3   Research & Data

Traveling dispensary of the Department of Labor, Children’s Division, circa early 1900s.
Traveling dispensary of the Department of Labor, Children’s Division, circa early 1900s.
Photo Credit: Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-16718
Adoption Outcomes – One of the earliest studies of independent adoption was conducted jointly by the Florida Department of Welfare and the Children’s Bureau, in partnership with the Russell Sage Foundation.

Beginning in 1957, this study examined conditions associated with favorable or unfavorable adoption outcomes. It found, among 484 nonprofessional adoptions, “... that the overall picture of the homes is not as bad as some had feared, but not as good as those concerned about children think it could and should be.” Findings were used to support further professionalization of adoption placement services.


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