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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Health Professions

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Mental/Behavioral Health

Grant Programs

Graduate Psychology Education (GPE)
Funds accredited health profession schools, universities, and other public or private nonprofit entities to plan, develop, operate or maintain graduate programs in mental and behavioral health practice to train psychologists to work with underserved populations.

Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training (MBHET)
Funds accredited schools and programs of social work and accredited doctoral psychology schools to strengthen the clinical field competencies of social workers and psychologists who pursue clinical service with high need and high demand populations.

Open Funding Opportunities

HRSA-13-199  Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Program

HRSA-13-191   Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Program

HRSA-13-142  Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities

HRSA-13-267  Health Center Controlled Networks

All Open Opportunities