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Saturday, February 16, 2013
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National Service Blog
Keyword: volunteer
Make Service Your Valentine’s Gift

So, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and florists will be scrambling to fill orders and chocolate consumption is expected to rise by maybe a jillion percent. Suppose we take this day dedicated to love and use it to show that we have big hearts by serving or giving to others?

Service is a great way to show your love on Valentine's Day.

Take a moment to look over some ideas for a more giving Valentine's Day that can create memories that last long after that flower arrangement has wilted.

Let's Get It Started: You may be anxious about jumping in if you're new to volunteering. Some groups are holding orientation sessions to discuss the many ways you can get involved with service. You can follow a long lunch with an orientation session with New York Cares or learn more about opportunities before dinner at a Jersey Cares Orientation in Newark. These are two of the organizations working alongside national service members to help area residents affected by Hurricane Sandy.

If I Had a Hammer: It takes a lot of coordination to do the work Habitat for Humanity does to create-low-cost housing opportunities. Habitat Greater San Francisco is hosting an all-day warehouse prep session tomorrow to help them continue their work in the area, you can learn more about the project by visiting their site.

Make a Stand: Volunteering together doesn't take a lot of effort; you just need to make time to help. The group 1 Billion Rising will hold events tomorrow across the country tomorrow to end violence against women, and the Atlanta event is looking for volunteer support.

Give to a Good Cause: There are thousands of aid and advocacy groups working to solve problems across the country. Whether the issue is feeding the hungry, educating needy students, eradicating a disease that has affected someone in your life, or something else, Valentine's Day would be a great day to help the cause with a donation.

We'll Take an IOU: If you're busy tomorrow, we're sure that your help would be welcomed later by any of these organizations, and you can use our search engine find volunteer opportunities all year long.

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More Scenes from the MLK Weekend of Service
A new video and photos from the National Day of Service and Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend of Service show the enthusiasm of people around the nation as they used the time to volunteer during the holiday weekend.
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President Obama: Get Involved in the 2013 National Day of Service
President Obama encourages everyone to join him and the First Family for the National Day of Service on Saturday, Jan. 19 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. People all across the nation will be participating in service projects – watch the video and learn how you can participate in the event.
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Get Involved on the MLK Day of Service
One of the greatest things about the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is that when we pause to celebrate the life and accomplishments of the civil rights leader, we are also inspired to answer what he called life’s most persistent question: “What are you doing for others?” We can respond with action via MLK Day projects and National Day of Service activities surrounding the upcoming inauguration.
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A Snapshot of Volunteering and Civic Life in America
The new Volunteering and Civic Life in America report gives researchers at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) a chance to examine some of the trends in these two important areas of life in these United States. This data from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 51 cities provides a snapshot of how Americans are coming together to improve our communities and who is leading the way.
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What Inspires You to Serve?
Our friends weigh in often on our Facebook page with comments, opinions, and all kinds of interesting observations.
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Ways to Help in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
The devastation left behind by Hurricane Sandy is still being assessed, but there are several ways you can help those affected by storm. The information below is compiled from FEMA. We will update this post with the most up-to-date and location-specific information as it becomes available. Be sure to check back regularly.
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Make a Difference This Weekend
The Corporation for National and Community Service supports volunteer service across the nation, and we couldn’t let this weekend pass without saluting the millions who will take part in the annual Make a Difference Day. You can still find a project and join them if you hurry.
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America Serves and Remembers
In the aftermath of September 11th, we came together as a country to show that we were there for each other. This year’s National Day of Service and Remembrance once again reminded us of that unity.
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9/11 Day: Get Out and Serve!
For the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing how and why you should serve on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. Now with 9/11 Day just around the corner, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, get out there, and serve!
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9/11 Volunteer Opportunities From Coast to Coast
The September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance arrives in less than a week, but service projects have already begun, and more will take place this weekend and continue through 9/11 Day. If you don't have plans and are looking to serve, we have an overview of how volunteers across the country will pay tribute to and honor the victims and heroes of September 11th across the nation.
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Wordless Wednesday: Volunteers Smile From Around the Nation
Today's Wordless Wednesday celebrates National Smile Month with a look at the joy volunteers experience while giving back. With smiles like these, who wouldn't volunteer?
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Joplin By the Numbers
Donations from around the country piled up and volunteers turned out in droves in the days and weeks that followed last year's devastating May 22 tornado in Joplin, MO. City officials estimate that Joplin received donated resources and volunteer hours totaling $17.7 million, the largest amount in Missouri's history and the largest amount ever recorded in FEMA's Region VII.
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Youth Make Their Mark During Service Event
Youth aren't waiting for the call to serve --they are ready to make their mark today. This last weekend, young people around the world celebrated Global Youth Service Day in 100 countries on six continents as children, teens, and young adults demonstrated why they are the most service-oriented generations ever.
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Expanding Opportunity Through Active Volunteering
While the economy continues to show signs of improvement, there are still many workers who are facing challenges in connecting to new careers. The Department of Labor has encouraged dislocated workers to pursue education and training to improve their skills and better position them to compete for employment opportunities. Many workers have taken advantage of these opportunities, but it is also important to lay a path forward for those workers who have not enrolled in training and seek other options to build their skills and increase their chances to find employment.
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Who Are You: A Snapshot of Volunteering in America
If you took a snapshot of Americans' volunteer service, what would it look like? What work would attract the most volunteers? Will Boomers be able to teach Millennials a thing or two about helping others? And should you look north, south, east, or west to find the state that spends the most doing it?
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Fighting Hunger One Can A Week
I was inspired early in life to try to make a mark on the world. And even though I'm a bit of a natural caretaker -- working as a lifeguard and even helping find jobs for folks suffering from traumatic brain injury -- meetings and organizations just weren't my style.
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Wordless Wednesday: Volunteers In All Shapes and Sizes
National Volunteer Week, April 15-21, is a chance for Americans to recognize the volunteers within their community. Here on the Serve.gov blog, that's exactly what we hope to do with our posts this week.Today, this Wordless Wednesday features photos of all kinds of volunteers. Do you have a favorite volunteering photo? Share it with us on the Facebook!
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Put Volunteering to Work on Your Resume
Good news. A recent LinkedIn survey found that 41 percent of professionals considered volunteer work as much as paid work when evaluating job candidates. Now here’s the bad news: Slightly less than half of the 89 percent who had volunteer experience included it on their resumes. That’s a mistake -- put your volunteer experience to work for you.
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Celebrating America's Greatest Asset: Our Volunteers
It's an old saying and a profound truth that it is better to give than to receive. During National Volunteer Week, April 15-21, we celebrate the millions of Americans who volunteer and recognize the extraordinary benefits of service to individuals, communities, and our nation.
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Life After AmeriCorps Times: Why Recognizing Service Matters
Having just wrapped up National AmeriCorps Week, another big week for celebrating service is on the horizon: National Volunteer Week. Happening April 15-21, 2012, National Volunteer Week is an opportunity for nonprofit organizations and national service members and alumni to be recognized and celebrated for their efforts. It's also an opportunity of AmeriCorps Alums to tell their story of service, and shine a light on the value of national service in our nation.
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National Volunteer Week 2012
Last year, 64.3 million Americans gave their time in service. These volunteers spent hours in schools and shelters, hospitals and hotlines, and faith-based and community-groups. They are the everyday heroes who show up day in, day out and make a difference for millions of women and men around the world.
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Doing Good by Leaps and Bounds: 29 Ways to Make a Difference
Every four years, we're given one extra day, a leap day. That's 24 extra hours to spend however you wish. Why not spend a few of those hours making a difference?
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First and Second Families Participate in a National Day of Service
Today, President Obama, the First Lady, and Malia Obama volunteered at a local elementary school as part of a national day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King, who devoted his life to helping others, once said that “everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
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Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Service
Monuments are built to those who change the course of history. It is right and fitting that a memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. now stands in the heart of our nation's Capital. Even as we renew our understanding of Dr. King's legacy by visiting this beautiful monument; we can honor the legacy of Dr. King by following his example, by serving and volunteering in our communities.
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Seeking Innovative and Sustainable Ways to Resolve Problems Within Our Communities
I am honored to be recognized as a Champion of Change through President Obama's Winning the Future Initiative. I have volunteered with the President at service projects in Washington, DC and along with my colleagues at HandsOn Greater DC Cares and the volunteer community of our region, share his commitment to achieving change through service.
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14,000,000 Hours and Counting: Operation Honor Card Inspires Americans to Serve Military Families and Veterans
Operation Honor Card has successfully collected 14,000,000 pledged hours of service from Americans who want to honor military families and veterans through acts of kindness, big and small, showing appreciation for their sacrifice.
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Give Thanks, Give Back: Uniting to Combat Hunger
Thanksgiving is a time to come together with family and friends to feast in good company. It is the one day a year reserved for expressing gratitude – for family and friends, health and careers, homes and means. But many Americans will not share in such plentiful abundance.
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A Sense of Civic Responsibility: Ferris Bueller's Day On
Twenty-five years ago, Ferris Bueller skipped school to spend a day of frivolous fun with his friends. He had little regard for authority, responsibility or the rules. We all wanted to be Ferris – slightly cynical, charmingly irreverent, and clever. Ferris – and the movie he starred in – defined a generation – my generation, Generation X.
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A Gift to Future Generations: The Veterans History Project
Veterans Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifice that veterans have made for our country and an opportunity to create a more meaningful experience for the veterans in your community. One way you can create a lasting memory of service is to record the story of a veteran in your life and contribute it to the Veterans History Project.
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