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National Environmental Education Week (EE Week), the nation's largest environmental education event held each year the week before Earth Day, inspires environmental learning and stewardship among K-12 students. EE Week connects educators with environmental resources to promote K-12 students' understanding of the environment. EE Week is a program of the National Environmental Education Foundation.

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Join a national network of educators and organizations dedicated to increasing the environmental literacy of K-12 students.

National Environmental Education Week is April 10-16, 2011.

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Proudly sponsored by Lockheed Martin.


NEEF participates in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) as a member of EarthShare, an umbrella organization for the most respected and responsible environmental and conservation organizations in America. If you are a federal government employee please consider giving to NEEF through the CFC. Our CFC number is 11792.

Carrageenan is an important ingredient in many of the products we use every day – such as toothpaste, shampoo and ice cream – and it comes from seaweed.

La carragenina es un ingrediente importante de muchos de los productos que usamos cada día – como por ejemplo pasta de dientes, champú y helado – y viene de las algas marinas.

Source: Smithsonian Ocean Planet: There are Algae in Your House! 

What's New...

EE Week Special Feature: Weather Connections to the Ocean

yanezBroadcast meteorologists explain the role the ocean plays in local weather

As part of National Environmental Education Week's 2011 theme, Ocean Connections, broadcast meteorologists from across the United States have contributed videos explaining the ocean's role in weather in their regions. These meteorologists participate in Earth Gauge®, a sister program of National Environmental Education Week that provides weathercasters with free environmental information and stewardship tips they can share with their viewers. Access the videos


A Message from NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco

Dr. Lubchenco invites students and teachers to join EE Week in exploring our ocean connections

Click here for a transcript of this video (PDF)

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Announcing EE Week 2011 annual theme: Ocean Connections

Join thousands of educators April 10-16, 2011 for a week of learning about our dependence upon the ocean 

ocean_connectionsThe ocean covers nearly three quarters of our planet's surface, provides 70 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere and houses about 20 percent of the known species on Earth. It regulates climate and weather and provides food and energy resources for humans worldwide. No matter how far from the coast, water in every stream or river on the planet eventually ends up in the ocean, and all life on Earth is dependent upon its health. Recognizing the importance of protecting the health of our ocean and understanding our dependence upon it regardless of its proximity, EE Week's 2011 theme is Ocean Connections. Register today to participate in EE Week 2011.