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About NETL

NETL has sites in Morgantown, West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Sugar Land, Texas; Albany, Oregon; and Anchorage, Alaska.   In total, these sites include 117 buildings and 14 major research facilities on nearly 242 acres. More than 1,100 employees work at NETL's five sites; roughly half are Federal employees and half are site support contractors.

NETL is organized into seven strategic units:

Laser Doppler Velocimetry Used in Model Validation

The Office of the Director provides guidance and oversight for all functions and authorities delegated to NETL for its programs, administration, legal, public affairs, and procurement activities. In addition, the Office of the Director (DO) is responsible for the institutional management and administration of the Laboratory in its mission to conduct and implement a research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) program that benefits the public by assuring the availability of clean, affordable, and reliable domestic energy that protects the environment, fuels economic prosperity, and strengthens energy security. DO organizational chart [PDF-13KB]

The Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil (SCNGO) works to increase domestic oil and natural gas production, assure the reliability of the natural gas delivery system, and produce a cleaner environment. This is accomplished by implementing RD&D programs in oil and gas supply. The SCNGO invests in programs and projects that require a Federal presence to achieve national energy goals and that can produce clear and tangible public benefits. The Center supports policy development by conducting studies on oil and gas supply issues and related environmental systems. The SCNGO also encompasses the Arctic Energy Office and the oil and gas projects it oversees. The SCNGO approves on-site research topics and provides technical data and analytical tools for sound, rational gas and oil policy development, including environmental issues, reliability modeling for gas and oil exploration and production, delivery systems, access issues, and economic and market trends. SCNGO organizational chart [PDF-13KB]

The Strategic Center for Coal (SCC) - The Department of Energy's Clean Coal Research Program (CCRP) supports research, development and demonstration activities aimed at improving the performance and reducing the cost of today's Coal-based Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) systems.  As the principal coal research implementing laboratory, NETL's SCC contributes to our nation's pursuit of a secure energy future by developing technology options to enable America to continue to benefit from using its secure, abundant and affordable coal resources. The Center shapes, funds and manages the demonstration of 1st Generation CCS/CCUS technologies with existing and new power plants and industrial facilities using a range of capture alternatives and storing CO2 in a variety of geologic formations.  In parallel, to drive down the cost of implementing CCS/CCUS as a potential climate change mitigation strategy, the SCC supports research and development aimed at investigating a range of advances in combustion, gasification, turbines, fuels and fuel cell technology capable of increasing base power plant efficiency, improving plant economics and reducing the amount of CO2 needed to be captured and stored per unit of electricity generated. SCC organizational chart [PDF-17KB] 

Project Management Center provides technical, administrative, and project management services on non-fossil energy research to a variety of customers, primarily within DOE and other Federal agencies, on a full-cost recovery basis as part of NETL's Work-for-Others initiatives. Any support provided by this office is consistent with and/or complements FE and DOE missions. This office primarily implements DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) and Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) activities that are assigned to NETL. PMC organization chart [PDF-17KB]

Office of Research and Development performs basic and applied research and development in fossil energy and environmental science. Building on historic Laboratory strengths and competencies, ORD focuses on four research topics recognized as important issues for the 21st century:

  • Energy system dynamics focuses on natural gas technology development, including higher efficiencies and lower costs in the use of advanced gas turbines and fuel cells.
  • Geological and environmental systems focuses on the minimization and abatement of environmental problems associated with the development and use of fossil fuels. Research topics include geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, oil and gas exploration and production, air pollution/particulate matter issues, and removal of toxins from emissions from coal utilization systems.
  • Computational and basic sciences develops tools that enable more rapid and efficient scale-up of new sub-systems, devices and components, to enable more cost effective demonstration of new technologies.
  • Materials Science and Engineering specializes in life cycle research of most metals, alloys, and ceramics; and the recycling and remediation of waste streams associated with these processes.

ORD organization chart [PDF-29KB]

Office of Institutional Operations performs and coordinates administrative, operational, construction, and staff support activities for the Laboratory. These include: organization and human resource management; information technology management, maintenance and implementation; onsite ES&H program execution, compliance, and remediation activities; site management including design, construction, operation, and maintenance of NETL facilities; internal control program; security services; real and personal property management. OIO organization chart [PDF-16KB]

Office of Business Operations/Chief Financial Officer (OBO/CFO) plans, directs, and coordinates the Laboratory's CFO and acquisition and assistance functions. OBO/CFO develops and implements the Laboratory‘s financial policies; performs budgetary planning, financial analyses, financial management and administration services; performs acquisition and assistance services; plans, directs, and coordinates site support contract management and project management compliance activities that crosscut Laboratory‘s operating units, develops the Laboratory‘s comprehensive risk management strategy, implements its comprehensive risk management program, and ensures the compliance of all operational, regulatory and financial functions performed across the Laboratory that are required in the execution of its risk management program; manages the NETL performance measurement system; and conducts compliance reviews. OBO organization chart [PDF-15KB]


NETL is supported by 10 major support contracts.

Major Site Support Contractors

Contractor Contractor Role Contract Award Date & Period Contract No. & Amount

The purpose of the Information Technology Operations and Maintenance Support (ITOMS) contract is to obtain quality professional Information Technology (IT) products and services that will align IT resource expenditures with business goals and objectives and will enable an IT environment which is responsive to organizational requirements.

7/26/2012 to 7/25/2014
(one 24-month base period, one 24-month option period, and one 12-month option period)


$49,000,000 Ceiling Price of Contract

Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.

The objective of the Energy Sector Planning and Analysis (ESPA) contract is to provide expert services that will complement and support the efforts of federal staff in strategic energy sector analysis and planning, engineering analysis using state of the art simulation and modeling tools, R&D benefit analyses, life-cycle analysis, natural resource development impact assessment, e.g., water resources, and energy infrastructure analyses.

11/16/2009 to 11/15/2014
(36 month
base contract with one 24 month option)


$98,000,000 (inclusive of fee
and option)


This contract is the vehicle through which NETL has acquired grounds maintenance, janitorial services, document handling services, administrative support services, computer moving services, and other related miscellaneous services at the NETL's Morgantown site.

10/1/2008 to 9/30/2013


$12,500,000 (through 09/30/2013)

Eagle Design, Inc.

This contract is the vehicle through which NETL has acquired grounds maintenance, janitorial services, document handling services, administrative support services, computer moving services, and other related miscellaneous services at the NETL's Pittsburgh site.

10/1/2008 to 9/30/2013



URS Corporation (URS Washington Division)

The purpose of the Research and Engineering Services (RES) contract is to provide the necessary skilled personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, supplies, and services to support NETL in its implementation of assigned basic, applied, and technology development based energy research and corresponding infrastructure responsibilities.

11/15/2009 to 11/14/2014
(2-year base contract with option period 1 for 2 years, and option period 2 for 1 year)


$322,000,000 (inclusive of fee and option period)

KeyLogic Systems Inc.

The objective of the Project Execution & Integration Services (PEI) contract is to obtain technical and administrative services to support the efforts of Federal staff to administer, execute, implement, monitor, manage and evaluate internal and external projects and provide general assistance for other project-related activities, such as acquisition planning, validation assessments and studies, and development of information and material to be used for outreach activities and training.

11/16/2009 to 11/15/2014
(one three-year base period and one 24-month option)


$95,000,000 (through base and option period)

Leonardo Technologies, Inc.

The objective of the Project and Performance Management Services (PPM) contract is to obtain services to support and complement the efforts of federal staff to administer, execute, implement, monitor, manage, and evaluate RD&D programs and provide general assistance for other program-related activities. Task assignments for this service contract focus on program initiatives under the direction of the NETL office that supports the sponsoring organization. Sponsoring organizations include but are not limited to the DOE Offices of FE, EERE, and OE. Program initiatives are national in scope and emphasize partnerships with private industry, academia, state governments, and other governmental stakeholders to create commercially-viable technological solutions to national energy and environmental problems.

11/16/2009 to 11/15/2014
(one three-year base period and one 24-month option)


$95,000,000 (through base and option period)

Smart Data Solutions, LLC

The purpose of the Support of Administrative Services (SAS) contract is to provide administrative support services to the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory. The functions performed under this service contract will include administrative support to five main service areas: Acquisition & Assistance, Financial Management, Office Management, Information Management, and Event Management.

1/8/2011 to 1/7/2013
(24 month base contract with one 24 month option and one 12 month option)


$35,000,000 (inclusive of fee and options)

Goldbelt Eagle, LLC

Services provided through this contract vehicle include site management support; environment, safety, and health support; and property support.

12/1/2009 to 11/30/2014
(one 12-month base period and four 12-month options)



Ahtna Facility Services, Inc.

This contract provides site security services for NETL's Morgantown, West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Albany, Oregon, locations.

2/1/2011 to 1/31/2013
(2-year base)
