Mission, Vision, End State, Goals and Values

Virginia National Guard Mission

The Virginia National Guard provides the premier ready, relevant, resilient and responsive Army and Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force personnel and units to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The forces must anticipate requirements and rapidly deploy where directed while executing the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of Virginia in order to save lives, protect people and property, ensure safety and relieve suffering.

Adjutant General’s Vision

- To build and sustain an effective and efficient team of top performers dedicated to selfless service. Our primary purpose is to provide a synchronized and unified force that is ready, relevant and rapid responding – one that is disciplined, professionally-led and prepared to meet the expectations of our federal and state partners and the needs of our citizens.

- Our success depends on many things to include an acquired ability to ANTICIPATE the future and to ensure reasonable predictability. Key here is how well we see ourselves and understand expectations to include our ability to better communicate at all levels. Success demands an unwavering COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE, leaders who are dedicated to lead, who recognize right and have the will to do right.

- Followers must have explicit TRUST in us and clearly know WE CARE.  PEOPLE are our most important asset- they are why we exist.  Our job is to make them successful , to ensure a place/environment WHERE THEY WANT TO SERVE/WORK.

Adjutant General’s End State

The premier ready, relevant, rapid response force, manned, equipped, and trained to respond to federal and state requirements.  Prepared to deploy/employ as directed by the Governor or President to assist local, state, and/or federal authorities to protect life and property; to preserve peace, order, and public safety, as well as relieve suffering. Our partners, agencies, and citizens have unwavering trust and confidence in us. DMA is a place where all (our team) want to serve and support and a source of pride. Leaders accept uncompromising responsibility for the safety and wellness of our force and are committed to excellence.

Virginia National Guard Goals

Support Domestic Operations
Support Federal Missions/Global Operations
Shape the Future (Operational Environment)
Strengthen the Culture of Preparedness Throughout DMA

Virginia National Guard Values

Loyalty ~ Selfless Service ~ Strong Commitment to Excellence ~ People are our most important asset
Care about people (make others successful) ~ The will to do and say the right things
Trust and Confidence ~ Empowerment ~ Respect for others ~ Humility