Photo of the Week: Celebrating Hanukkah Around the World

Posted by Sarah Goldfarb / December 14, 2012

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro lights the menorah in Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 12, 2012. [State Department photo by Matty Stern/ Public Domain]

Sarah Goldfarb serves as DipNote's Associate Editor.

Our "Photo of the Week" comes to us from Matty Stern, the photographer at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, and shows U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro lighting the menorah on the fifth night of Hanukkah in Dizengoff Square on December 12, 2012.

In Washington, President Obama and the First Lady celebrated Hanukkah with a reception at the White House on the sixth night of Hanukkah on December 13. This year, Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, began on Saturday, December 8 and concludes on Sunday, December 16.

In a statement, the President said, "Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Hanukkah around the world.

"This Hanukkah season we remember the powerful story of the Maccabees who rose up to liberate their people from oppression. Upon discovering the desecration of their Temple, the believers found only enough oil to light the lamp for one night. And yet it lasted for eight.

"Hanukkah is a time to celebrate the faith and customs of the Jewish people, but it is also an opportunity for people of all faiths to recognize the common aspirations we share. This holiday season, let us give thanks for the blessings we enjoy, and remain mindful of those who are suffering. And let us reaffirm our commitment to building a better, more complete world for all.

"From our family to the Jewish Community around the world, Chag Sameach."

On behalf of everyone at DipNote, we send best wishes to all of those celebrating Hanukkah around the world!

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Pam in West Virginia writes:

Very inspirational and humbling

Posted on Tue Dec 18, 2012

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