ASC Web Policy

ASC Publicly Accessible Web Page Design Standards
  • Design screens for variable resolutions and user-selectable font sizes.
  • Use high contrast between fonts and background.
  • Don't use busy backgrounds.
  • Limit the length of your page to two or three screens.
  • Display the most important information at the top of the page.
  • Each image tag must include an "alt" attribute.
  • Don't use blinking icons (or blinking anything).
  • Use graphics that load quickly.
  • Use descriptive titles and labels for frames.
  • Don't use "Under construction".
  • Spell out acronyms the first time they are used.
  • Avoid sound for sound's sake.
  • If your page is for the public Website, then you must follow the standard "look and feel" (this page is an example).
Checklist for ASC Publicly Accessible Web Pages
  • The page does not reveal personal information about employees, their spouses, or their children.
  • The page is accessible to people with sight, hearing, and other disabilities.
  • The page has links that work.
  • The page contains no links to dead pages or pages that are "under construction".
  • The page contains no copyrighted material.
  • The page does not use prohibited methods of gathering information (as defined in OSC Reg 25-2) on it's users.
  • The page does not contain duplicate information existing elsewhere within ASC publicly accessible sites or information that is the responsibility of another organization or installation.
  • The page does not solicit or gather information on its users.
  • The page does not contain classified or sensitive information.
  • The page provides information that is professionally presented, current, accurate, factual, and related to the mission of the organization.
  • The page displays a disclaimer when linking to non-DOD sites.
  • The page does not contain graphics or logos depicting commercial products or companies.
  • The page does not contain commercial sponsorships, advertisements, or endorsements (w/exception of MWR).
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