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Medicaid and CHIP
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From September 2007 until May 2012, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provided a technical assistance program to Medicaid and CHIP agencies to help them develop, implement, and participate in health information technology (health IT) and health information exchange (HIE). Through a contract with RTI International, AHRQ's technical assistance program developed and provided a wide range of resources and tools to assist Medicaid and CHIP agencies in improving the delivery and coordination of care. These resources helped to improve the proactive management of health of Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries through the use of health IT. The program was a resource for agencies needing assistance with plans for using or implementing health IT, including HIEs to support internal and external business and operating needs and the efficient delivery of quality services.

The program included the following components:

  • A repository of information relevant to Medicaid and CHIP to support the technical assistance and disseminate best practices.
  • Over 50 technical assistance events, including Webinars, Web-based and in-person workshops and Community of Practice Meetings.

Through the program, AHRQ reached agency staff from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa and posted over 700 documents in the repository.


Puzzle Pieces Communities of Practice

Through the course of the technical assistance program, AHRQ convened several Communities of Practice (CoPs). The CoPs were conceived as open, collegial platforms for Medicaid and CHIP staff to use for exchanging up-to-date information on health IT and HIE issues and to share their questions and experiences related to those issues. One tenet of traditional CoPs is that they are directed by members themselves. The Medicaid and CHIP CoPs embodied this principle from the very beginning, maintaining a planning team of Medicaid and CHIP agency staff that met between CoP meetings. At various points in the project, CoPs formed around these topic areas:        

  • Privacy and Security
  • Sustainability and Funding
  • Use of Health IT for Children (CHIP and Children’s Issues in Health IT and HIE CoP and Health IT for Children’s Health Care Quality CoP)
  • Collaboration Between Medicaid and Other Health IT Initiatives (Collaborative Activities Between Medicaid and RECs/State HIE Grantees CoP and Medicaid Involvement in State Health Information Exchange CoP)
  • Managing Multiple Health IT Projects in Medicaid and CHIP

 If you are a Medicaid or CHIP agency staff person interested in participating in a CoP around other Health IT and HIE issues, please visit the Medicaid HITECH Technical Assistance Portal for more information on the CoPs that are being offered and how to join:


Puzzle PiecesMedicaid and CHIP Repository

The Medicaid and CHIP repository allows users to search for content on health IT and HIE issues directly related to Medicaid and CHIP agencies. General overview materials provide basic information about the relationship between health IT/HIE and Medicaid and CHIP agencies.

Case studies highlighting Medicaid-CHIP agencies are also available in the repository. These case studies highlight innovative practices in health IT or health information exchange, offering lessons learned and success factors for agencies that are planning similar initiatives.

The remaining content is organized into areas of health IT and HIE and further categorized as one of three main subtopics within those areas: policy, technology, or evaluation. The entire collection of documents may be searched, or any of these areas or subtopics may be searched for specific resources.

Repository content was updated with new journal articles, issue briefs, policy briefs, case studies, and other resources from March 2009 until May 2012.

To learn more about the resources available, visit the Repository


Project Reports    

Barriers to Meaningful Use of Medicaid: Final Report (PDF, 702 KB) PDF Help Icon PDF Help.
This report details the results of a study on the barriers Medicaid providers experience when trying to adopt and meaningfully use electronic health records (EHR) in order to satisfy the criteria for Stage 1 of the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.

Technical Assistance for Health IT and Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Medicaid and CHIP: Final Report (PDF, 1.03 MB) PDF Help Icon PDF Help.
This report summarizes Medicaid and CHIP agencies’ progress in adopting and implementing health IT and HIE initiatives since 2007 and details the external factors that have impacted their adoption and implementation. It also documents technical assistance (TA) provided by AHRQ (and its contractor RTI) to Medicaid and CHIP agencies, Agency involvement in TA, and available resources.

Quality Oral Health Care in Medicaid Through Health IT (PDF, 437 KB) PDF Help Icon PDF Help.
This report details whether and how health information technology and the Medicaid EHR incentive program can be used as tools to improve access to quality oral health care for children enrolled in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A Guide to Calculating the Costs and Value of E-Prescribing, 2010 (PDF, 298 KB) PDF Help Icon PDF Help.
This guide provides a detailed discussion of the stages in e-prescribing where costs and value may enter the picture, including to which participants in e-prescribing these costs or value will accrue; a summary presentation of what is known about the costs and value of e-prescribing, largely as reported in refereed journal articles; a presentation of the techniques that may be used to compare costs to value; and a discussion of some key topics in using these techniques.

Assessment of Medicaid and CHIP Health IT and HIE Activities and Needs, 2008 (PDF, 888 KB) PDF Help Icon PDF Help.
The purpose of this report is to describe the range of activities, challenges, planning, evaluations, and external factors facing Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) agencies across the country as they undertake initiatives in health information technology (IT) and health information exchange (HIE), for the benefit of State and regional health IT and HIE leaders, stakeholder groups, health care providers, and consumers who may be interested in partnering with Medicaid and CHIP agencies on health IT and HIE activities. In addition, this report provides Medicaid and CHIP agencies with information gathered in an assessment of needs for technical assistance, to help provide a context for a 2009 program of technical assistance.

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