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Geospatial Decision Making System

Idaho National Laboratory

Contact INL About This Technology

Technology Marketing Summary

The INL has developed a geospatial decision making process to assist agricultural producers in optimizing operating conditions of combine harvesters  which detects the presence of grain and distinguishes between that and residual plant material. Upon detecting grain in the process, the system sends an electrical signal which determines the amount of grain being processed in the machine, improving the accuracy of grain-loss sensors and greater efficiency and higher yields. Previous technology had been unable to distinguish between grain and larger pieces of residual material, resulting in a loss of grain harvest.


. Previous technology had been unable to distinguish between grain and larger pieces of residual material, resulting in a loss of grain harvest.


-        Improves harvesting of desired crop in a flow of multiple plant materials, and

-        Provides more efficient operation of combines.

Applications and IndustriesCombine, loss sensor, combine inefficiencyTechnology Status
Technology ID
Development Stage
Last Updated

Contact INL About This Technology

To: David Anderson<>