Export Administration Regulations Training


BIS training seminars give you the opportunity to learn first-hand from experienced U.S. Government officials about export control policies, regulations and procedures. We offer one and two-day core courses on the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as well as in-depth courses on special topics of interest to the exporting community. Instructors are experienced export administration and regulatory policy specialists, engineers and enforcement personnel from BIS's Washington, DC, headquarters and field offices, as well as representatives from other U.S. Government agencies as appropriate. We also offer an extensive library of online training modules and prerecorded webinars which you can access and study at your convenience.

BIS also offers export control conferences where senior U.S. Government officials discuss current issues and trends in export control policies, regulations and practices. These conferences are intended for the experienced export control practitioner.

Current Seminar Schedule FY13 schedule now available!

Update 2012 Conference on Export Controls and Policy Conference Information, Videos and Transcripts

Update 2011 Conference on Export Controls and Policy Videos and Transcripts

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