Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Neurology/ Physical Medicine and Rehab Service

Location: 12th Floor East Side
Hours: 0730 - 1600 Monday - Friday
Phone: (706) 787-5864/5890
DSN: 773-5864/5890

Mission/Service Overview

The mission of the N/PMR service is to provide excellent neurological evaluation and treatment to all beneficiaries in the Southeast Regional Medical Command. This service provides comprehensive, timely, and compassionate neurological and physiatric care that meets current standards within the community. Specific services available include inpatient consultation, outpatient diagnosis and treatment, electro diagnostic testing with EMG, NCV, EEG and evoked patients.

Patient Information

These services are available to active duty, family members, and retirees. Appointments are made only by referral from your primary care physician.