2012 News Releases

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Scientific & Technical Interest
1/3 Navy Researchers Investigate Small-Scale Autonomous Planetary Explorers
1/5 NRL-SSC Personnel Embark USNS Pathfinder
1/6 The Naval Research Laboratory's Most Popular Stories of 2011
1/19 Karl Battams Co-authors Paper in Science
1/23 NRL's SoloHI Instrument Selected for Flight on Solar Orbiter Mission
1/27 Scientists See "Sloshing" Galaxy Cluster
2/3 Scientists Chart High-Precision Map of Milky Way's Magnetic Fields
2/23 Pioneering NRL Physicist had Tuskegee Ties
3/7 NRL Designs Robot for Shipboard Firefighting
3/9 TacSat-4 Enables Polar Region SatCom Experiment
3/13 NRL's CT-Analyst Operational Demo Delivered to Hamburg Germany Fire Brigade
3/14 Inside NRL's Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research
3/16 Naval Research Laboratory Opens Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research
3/20 NRL Tests Robotic Fueling of Unmanned Surface Vessels
3/26 NRL Scientists Optimize Arctic Sea Ice Data Products
3/27 NRL Scientists Identify New Coupling Mode Between Stratosphere and Ionosphere
4/6 Experiment Explores Optics with iPad
4/9 NRL Researchers Discover New Solar Feature
5/3 NRL Charges Marine Corps Expeditionary Power Requirements
5/17 NRL RAIDS Experiment Advances Ionospheric Remote Sensing
6/7 Photovoltaic Cells Tap Underwater Solar Energy
6/12 NRL Researchers Develop Improved Non-Skid Coating for Shipboard Applications
6/20 NRL Scientists Propose Mitigation Concept of LEO Debris
6/21 NRL Scientists Track Individual Raindrops Inside Clouds
6/22 Cmdr. Wright Welcomed as New Commanding Officer of Scientific Development Squadron ONE
6/29 NRL Celebrates its 89th Birthday
7/16 NRL Leads NASA Team Workshop on "Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation"
7/18 NRL Brings Inertia of Space to Robotics Research
7/20 Scientists Bring Low Frequency, 'First Light' to the Jansky Very Large Array
7/25 Navy Researchers Sail Down Under to Study Internal Tides with AUVs
7/27 Navy Scientists Demonstrate Breakthrough in Tunnel Barrier Technology
8/3 NRL Scientist Builds Model of LASR Facility: One LEGO at a Time
8/8 NRL Recognized in FY 2011 DoD Value Engineering Achievement Awards
8/15 NRL-SSC Midshipmen Interns Gain Oceanographic and Survey Experience
8/28 NRL Researchers Observe Bright Arctic Clouds Formed by Exhaust from the Final Space Shuttle Launch
8/29 TacSat-4 Participates in Navy Fleet Experiment Trident Warrior
8/30 NRL Change of Command: Captain Anthony Ferrari relieves Captain Paul C. Stewart
9/10 NRL Researchers Use Unmanned Aircraft to Probe Hurricane Outflow Jets
9/18 NRL Demonstrates High Durability of Nanotube Transistors to the Harsh Space Environment
9/24 Fueling the Fleet, Navy Looks to the Seas
10/1 Naval Research Laboratory voted a "Best Diversity Company 2012"
10/12 Naval Research Laboratory Dedicates Marine Meteorology Center
10/19 NRL Researchers Discover New Route to Spin-Polarized Contacts on Silicon
10/30 Navy Oceanographers Delve Deeper in Wave Data to Improve Forecasts
11/2 Navy Researchers Look to Rotating Detonation Engines to Power the Future
11/11 NRL Scientists Detect Carbon Dioxide Accumulation
at the Edge of Space
11/29 NRL-SSC Transitions New Ice Model to Navy
12/31 Naval Research Laboratory's Top Stories of 2012

Featured Stories
1/9 Naval Oceanography Admiral Visits NRL-SSC
1/11 Dr. Weilin Hou and Mr. Bob Arnone Selected to Chair
SPIE Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IV
1/18 Dr. Robert H. Evans Recognized with Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
1/19 Dr. Bradley Ringeisen Honored with Commanding Officer's Award for Achievement in the Field of Equal Employment Opportunity
1/23 Dr. Brian Bennett Named a Fellow of the American Physical Society
2/13 Hart Middle School Students Sample a Day at NRL
2/21 Meeting the Challenges of Spacecraft Research at NRL
2/22 Dr. Phillip Sprangle Honored with Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
3/2 Chief Aviation Machinist's Mate Michael W. Seal Commissioned
3/16 White House S&T Advisor the Honorable Dr. John Holdren Tours Naval Research Laboratory
3/21 Dr. Brett Dunlap named American Physical Society Fellow
3/29 Dr. Frances Ligler Elected to American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineer's College of Fellows
3/30 Dr. Debra Rolison Receives Dual Honors for Advancements in Chemistry
4/16 NRL Oceanographer Coaches Junior High Robotics Team
4/17 Space Shuttle Discovery Flies Over Washington
4/25 NRL Voted as a Top Place to Work for Postdocs
4/30 NRL Intern from Naval Academy Presents Summer Work at AGU OS12
5/7 Dr. Baruch Levush Receives IEEE Harry Diamond Award
5/14 Dr. Megan Sassin Honored by American Chemical Society with Rising Star Award
5/21 Dr. C. Michael Roland Receives the 2012 Charles Goodyear Medal
5/25 NRL Hosts "Take Our Children to Work Day" Event
6/1 NRL Physicist Elected 2012 SPIE Fellow
6/4 Dr. Paul Lane Elected Fellow of the SPIE
6/11 Dr. Melvin Kruer Honored with 2012 Levinstein Award
6/13 NRL Materials Engineer Receives Navy Meritorious Award
6/20 NRL Scientist Honored in Naming of Astronomical Body
6/27 Drs. Ishwar Aggarwal and Jas Sanghera Receive Arthur E. Bisson Prize for Naval Technology Achievement Award
6/28 Ms. Cathy Wyatt Receives Commanding Officer's Award for Excellence in Secretarial Support
6/29 LCDR Kurt Parsons Honored with Meritorious Service Medal
7/2 NRL Researchers Win Bowen Patent Invention Award for Hydrophone Transduction Mechanism
7/3 Dr. Karl Gerlach Honored with 2012 Dennis Picard Medal for Contributions to Radar Research
7/5 Dr. Phillip Sprangle Receives Fred E. Saalfeld Award
7/11 Dr. E. Joseph Friebele Named Fellow of The Optical Society of America
7/13 Dr. Francis Klemm Receives the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award
7/19 Scientific Development Squadron ONE Commander Steingold Receives Meritorious Service Medal
7/23 Mr. Keith Lucas Honored with Captain Robert Dexter Conrad Award
8/1 Dr. Lenny Tender Receives the Arthur S. Flemming Award
8/6 Dr. John McCormack Receives 2011 Editors' Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Geophysical Research Letters
8/10 NRL Research Library Team Recognized for Excellence in Mission Support
8/13 NRL Research Scientist Dr. Keith Knipling Honored with Presidential Award
8/17 NRL's Jill Dahlburg Appointed Chair-Elect of APS Mid-Atlantic Section
8/21 Kathy Chapman and NRL-SSC Recognize Gulf Coast Technology Innovation Potential
8/24 SEAP Students at NRL-SSC Conclude Internships, Present Summer Work
8/29 Navy Supports Science Teachers with Summer Training Camp
8/31 NRL Supports 8th Annual CanSat Competition
9/11 Dr. Berend Jonker Receives Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Senior Professional
9/13 Dr. Gurpartap Sandhoo Receives Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
9/20 Dr. Paul Bernhardt Honored with NRL's E.O. Hulburt Award
10/16 NRL's Ms. Judy Hope Honored by Department of the Navy
10/26 NRL-SSC Scientists Receive Awards for Inventions and Patents
11/6 Dr. James Hansen Receives Navy Meritorious Civilian Award
11/13 Dr. Igor Vurgaftman Receives NRL Sigma Xi Award for Pure Science
11/13 Dr. Marc Christophersen Receives 2012 Sigma Xi
Young Investigator Award
11/13 Dr. Robert E. Morris Receives the NRL Sigma Xi Applied Science Award
11/27 David Lalejini Receives Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
12/5 Dr. Stephen P. Obenschain Receives Fusion Power Associates Leadership Award
12/6 NRL Scientist Tackles JEOPARDY! Quiz Show
12/28 NRL-WISE Hosts NIST Physicist Dr. Katharine Gebbie