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Important Updates from the Collections Information Repository

TRS renamed CIR as of January 2013

TRS has been renamed to the Collections Information Repository (CIR) effective January 2013. FMS has rebranded TRS to be consistent with the naming convention for its other data repositories, such as the Payment Information Repository (PIR).

The application URL has not changed, nor have there been any changes to the functionality of the system.

CA$HLINK II Historical Data in CIR

Phase Two of the CA$HLINK II historical data load into the Collections Information Repository (CIR, formerly TRS) has been implemented. The load includes data (not previously reported in the CIR) for the remaining historical data as of October 1, 2004, to January 11, 2013.

Users should reference the CA$HLINK II Account Types to CIR Mapping for Historical Data to determine the appropriate Collection System for the data in CIR.

Collections News Archives

   Last Updated:  January 22, 2013

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