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Kevin Brady in the News

  • President Obama Challenges The GOP With A Growth Standard

    It is deplorable that so few of our elected officials, with the notable exceptions of Rep. Kevin Brady, prime sponsor of the Sound Dollar Act, and Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who successfully championed a national monetary commission as part of the 2012 GOP pl

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  • Congress's committee chairmen push to reassert their power

    At the House GOP retreat in mid-January, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Camp convinced Boehner's leadership team to approve a short-term extension of the debt ceiling to buy time and to try to re-establish regular order. "At this point it&#

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  • Concerns arise over inspector staffing at Hobby

    "Houston airport officials assured city leaders it would be no problem securing more Customs inspectors at Hobby," Brady said in a statement. "I've always worried that with no new Customs inspectors funded in the federal budget that this will be a dif

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  • Rep. Brady to head energy tax reform effort

    Brady's intensive mission – the deadline is tax day, April 15 – is to study how comprehensive tax reform should affect the energy sector of the U.S. economy.

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