Get heart-healthy for American Heart Month

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By Capt. Joseph McQuade, M.D., director for Public Health, Naval Hospital Jacksonville What are you doing to get heart-healthy? Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, claiming a life every minute—and February is American Heart Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every three deaths [...]

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Risk Factors for Psychological Stress Injuries

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By Capt. Scott L. Johnston, MSC, USN, director, Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control As Sailors, each of us has a responsibility to look out for our Shipmates, especially in relation to the stress injuries that can be brought on by the unrelenting high-tempo operations we now experience at sea and on land. [...]

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Newsletter for Navy & Marine Corps Medicine

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From U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Public Affairs Navy Medicine is proud to present the January 2013 issue of the Navy and Marine Corps Medical newsletter. It features various articles and photos highlighting the great work being done across Navy Medicine around the world. This month highlights Navy Medicine’s support to readiness. Click [...]

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Lt. Cmdr. Andy Baldwin: From Residency to Operational Medicine

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By Lt. Cmdr. Andy Baldwin, Senior Medical Officer, USS Makin Island (LHD 8) Palms sweating, heart beating fast, orders in hand, I stepped onto the brow of the mighty warship. “You must be the new SMO?” remarked the Officer of the Deck, rendering a crisp salute. Returning the salute I said, “Yes, my name is Lt. [...]

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Navy Medicine Maintains Readiness Despite Flu Season

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By Cmdr. Natalie Wells, public health emergency officer, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery As influenza is nationally on the rise this flu season, our team in Navy Medicine is dedicated to answering the call by maintaining readiness and ensuring an adequate supply of vaccinations at our military treatment facilities for service members and [...]

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Navy Medicine Video

Navy Medicine is a global healthcare network of 63,000 Navy medical personnel around the world who provide high quality health care to more than one million eligible beneficiaries. Navy Medicine personnel deploy with Sailors and Marines worldwide, providing critical mission support aboard ship, in the air, under the sea and on the battlefield.