NAMRU-6 Counters the Threat Against Bacteria and Resistant Organisms

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By Lt. Cmdr. Drake Tilley, head, Department of Bacteriology, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit 6 -Peru **Editor’s note: This is blog number two of six from NAMRU-6 on their vast research efforts. Infectious bacteria have been causing problems for military campaigns since time immemorial. At the forefront has always been diarrhea, and with every deployment [...]

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Get heart-healthy for American Heart Month

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By Capt. Joseph McQuade, M.D., director for Public Health, Naval Hospital Jacksonville What are you doing to get heart-healthy? Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, claiming a life every minute—and February is American Heart Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every three deaths [...]

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NAMRU-6 Peru – Where the Bugs and Bacteria Roam

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By Capt. Dave Service,  commanding officer, NAMRU-6 Perú Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of six blogs highlighting the vast capabilities of NAMRU-6. Who out there knows that almost one in every six commands in Navy Medicine is a research laboratory? And who knew that each lab is about the same size as a [...]

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A Look Back: Navy Medicine in 1913

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By Andre Sobocinski, historian, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Much has changed over the past 100 years in not only the United States, but in Navy Medicine as well.  Here’s a look back 100 years ago.  In 1913, the U.S. population had reached 97,225,000 and stretched across 48 states with the additions of Arizona and [...]

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