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Home > Fact Sheets > MOORE, Winston E. (Colonel)


Posted 5/29/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

Call No.: K239.0512-179
IRIS No.: not available
IRIS Tape No.: 00904024
Accessibility: OPEN 

Pages/Time: no transcript/:35 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 22 August 1968/Carswell AFB TX 

Interviewers: SSgt James F. Smith, Jr. 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection 


(1967-1968) Oral history interview with Colonel Winston E. Moore, Deputy Chief, Operations 4258th Strategic Wing, U Tapao Royal Thai Air Force Base. Topics include the following, B-52 operations: target selections, time delay between target selections and strikes, Mu Gia Pass as target, surface-to-air missile threat tactics and B-52 system failures.

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