Banks: Investing to End Homelessness

The Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) February 2012 e-zine focused on the role banks play in ending chronic homelessness.

OCC and USICH cohosted a webinar on this topic on April 25th.

Watch the webinar online

The six articles below include detailed information for banks on the needs for, benefits of, and mechanisms for financing PSH.

Overview from Barry Wides, Deputy Comptroller, Community Affairs
National banks are playing a key role in the national effort to reduce chronic homelessness by financing permanent supportive housing, partnering with local nonprofits, making charitable grants, and providing leadership on local boards, community groups, and community projects.

 U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness: How Banks are Helping to Build Homes for the Homeless
Banks are partners in implementing Opening Doors and achieving the goal of ending chronic homelessness by 2015. Permanent supportive housing is a proven, cost-effective solution that can turn lives around. 

Corporation for Supportive Housing: Helping the Homeless Live With Dignity
CSH details the work they have done to create acquisition loan funds for permanent supportive housing units across the country and provides examples of their work in Venice, CA and developing foreclosed and abandoned properties in PSH. 

Great Lakes Capital Fund: Raising Capital for Permanent Supportive Housing
In the Midwest, developers of permanent supportive housing for the homeless are working with Great Lakes Capital Fund and other organizations to give people experiencing chronic homelessness the stability to rebuild productive lives. 

Huntington National Bank Community Development Corporation: Making a Difference, One Bank at a Time
Huntington National Bank is using its resources to help provide affordable housing in Ohio and throughout the Midwest. The bank faces a big challenge. In 2010, approximately 150,000 Ohioans experienced homelessness. An additional 327,000 households spent more than 50 percent of their income on housing, leaving precious little for food, clothing, and the other necessities of life. 

This Just In … OCC’s Four Districts Report on New Opportunities for Banks
OCC District Community Affairs Officers report on local and regional opportunities for banks to become involved with community efforts, including opportunities to help end chronic homelessness.