Family Planning and Reproductive Health

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See also: Integrated Family Health Program, Central Contraceptive Procurement

USAID works to improve the health of mothers, neonates, children, adolescents and youth by decreasing unintended and teenage pregnancies. In addition to improving access to family planning services and contraceptives, USAID also supports strengthening the capacity of these programs through community mobilization. In Ethiopia, it is estimated that over 100,000 women currently suffer from obstetric fistula, and an additional 9,000 new cases occur each year. USAID’s response includes the fusion of fistula prevention, care, and repair projects with efforts to reduce the prevalence of harmful traditional practices, including early marriage and gender-based violence.

Projects include: mother and child

  • Fistula Care: Provide pre- and post-repair services for fistula patients developing new facilities, educational and prevention programs, especially in developing areas.
  • Support for International Family Planning (SIFPO)-MSI: Increase access to and utilization of voluntary, high-quality family planning services. By strengthening organizational capacity and sustainability of country-level programs, SIFPO-MSI contributes to reductions in fertility and maternal and child mortality.
  • Program Research for Strengthening Services (PROGRESS)Work closely with the Government of Ethiopia to increase skills in monitoring and evaluating family planning initiatives.

See also: