Support for International Family Planning (SIFPO) – MSI

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See also: Crosscutting Issues

Dates of Operation: 2011 – 2013mother and child

Primary Implementing Partner: Marie Stopes International

Regions of Operation: Oromia and Tigray


Increase access to and utilization of voluntary, high-quality family planning services around the world.

Project Objectives:

  • Technical and material support and regular supportive supervision to private clinics
  • Outreach sessions for provision of long acting and permanent family planning methods
  • Increase utilization of quality family planning services


Support for International Family Planning (SIFPO), in conjunction with Marie Stopes International (MSI), conducts social franchising of family planning services in private health facilities. Private clinics are provided with technical and material supportive supervision to ensure that quality services are provided. Additionally, the project integrates outreach sessions for long-acting and permanent family planning methods as necessary. SIFPO-MSI aligns with and complements the efforts of USAID projects—which support the public sector health facilities—in the regions of operation, creating a comprehensive approach to fertility and maternal and child mortality reductions in those areas.

Expected Results:

  • Strengthen organizational capacity to deliver quality family planning services to target groups
  • Improved quality assurance standards and results are quantified and disseminated to strengthen family planning performance at the global level
  • Increase organizational sustainability of country-level programs
  • Enhance gender-sensitive family planning services targeting youth at the global level