Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


From Compost to Sustainable Fuels: Heat-Loving Fungi Are Sequenced

Two heat-loving fungi, often found in composts that self-ignite without flame or spark, could soon have new vocations. The complete genetic makeup of Myceliophthora thermophi­la and Thielavia terrestris has been decoded by an international group of scientists. The findings, published in Nature Biotechnology, may lead to the faster and greener development of biomass-based fuels, chemicals, [...]

Greg Nielson Featured in Innovation Magazine

On October 31, 2011, in Energy, News, Photovoltaic, Renewable Energy, Solar

Sandia researcher Greg Nielson, team leader on the Microsystems-Enabled Photovoltaic cell project, was featured in the October/November 2011 issue of Innovation Magazine.

Glitter-Sized Photovoltaic Cells in Utility-Scale Solar Power Systems

On October 17, 2011, in Energy, News, Photovoltaic, Renewable Energy, Solar

Sandia National Laboratories will begin researching how to use glitter-sized photovoltaic cells in utility-scale solar power systems, which eventually could cut the costs of solar panels in half and nearly double their efficiency. Sandia’s work with industry, other labs and universities to improve the design, materials and manufacturing processes of the Microsystems-Enabled Photovoltaic (MEPV) cells [...]

Building a Microgrid

By Copyright © 2011 Albuquerque Journal Michael Hartranft Journal Staff Writer Japanese firms partner with labs, PNM, Mesa del Sol on project A collaborative U.S.-Japanese project that will use the Aperture Center at Mesa del Sol as the centerpiece for a smart grid technology demonstration is on track to go on line by mid 2012. [...]

Sandia Gets $4M Energy Grant

On October 17, 2011, in Energy, News, Renewable Energy, Wind Energy

Sandia will receive $4.1 million from DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to design Vertical Axis Wind Turbines which could reduce the cost of offshore wind energy generation. Read more about the grant here.

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