Against All Odds

Recently I came across an online game called Against All Odds. The game, created by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as part of an educational site called the United Nations Cyberschoolbus, puts players in the position of a refugee.

Players face scenarios such as a police interrogation, a dangerous border crossing, and a job interview in a strange country. At any point in the game, players can take a break to watch videos or read stories about real refugees’ experiences. The mini-site also contains educational resources for teachers such as lesson plans, posters and Web links. Check it out!

Angelina Jolie at the Hague

[image src="" caption="Angelina Jolie and International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo" align="left"]American actress Angelina Jolie, who was named a U.N. goodwill ambassador in 2001, recently traveled to the Hague, Netherlands, to observe the trial of a Congolese warlord charged with using child soldiers.

The newspaper where I read this story made fun of Jolie’s trip, titling the piece “Strong Cheekbones Intimidate Defense,” and describing Jolie and International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo as “both chiseled” in an accompanying photo caption.

The Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) believes working with celebrities like Jolie helps raise awareness of the plight of refugees around the world. “These celebrities use their privileged access to mass media and other resources to give a voice to refugees, who are often victims of forgotten humanitarian crises and who often suffer from uninformed negative stereotyping. Our Goodwill Ambassadors are uniquely positioned to make direct representations to those with the power to effect change,” a statement on the UNHCR site says.

Do you think people pay more attention to refugees and human rights issues when celebrities are involved?  And if more people pay attention, does that attention lead to useful action?