Civil Nuclear Guide to Exporting

Welcome to the Department of Commerce’s Civil Nuclear Guide to Exporting. This Guide is a component of the Department of Commerce’s Civil Nuclear Trade Initiative (CNTI) that aims to support the U.S. civil nuclear industry’s endeavors to rebuild its manufacturing base by capturing opportunities abroad. The CNTI does this by identifying the U.S. nuclear industry’s most pressing trade policy challenges and most promising commercial opportunities, and coordinate public and private sector responses.

The Civil Nuclear Guide to Exporting was created to help U.S. companies better navigate the rules and regulations governing the export of civil nuclear technology and services. The Guide will take you through the different steps in the export process, and links to the different Federal agencies and departments that regulate the sale and transfer of civil nuclear technology and services.

A flow chart of the U.S. civil nuclear export controls can be viewed as a Flow Chart (PDF) or in a Step-By-Step format.

This Guide provides information to U.S. companies interested in exporting, and countries interested in importing, civil nuclear technology, nuclear fuel services, common related equipment, or other nuclear services. The U.S. is committed to preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and ensuring the safe and secure deployment of civil nuclear technology.

These export controls are rigorously enforced to prevent misuse, while allowing for the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

For more information on U.S. civil nuclear industry exports, contact Sarah Lopp at (202) 482-3851 or e-mail