Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution on the Situation In Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz-Uzbek border June 12, 2010 (AP photo)kyrgystan1_123575f

Ambassador Donahoe: “The United States is deeply concerned about the recent inter-ethnic violence and the tragic loss of life in Kyrgyzstan. The adoption by consensus of today’s resolution on Kyrgyzstan demonstrates that Council member states can work together to respond to a crisis situation virtually in real time. The resolution condemns the provocations and violence in Osh and Jalalabad.

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U.S. Statement Introducing Human Rights Council Resolution on Kyrgyzstan

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The United States, like many members of this body, is deeply concerned by and deplores the recent inter-ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan and the tragic loss of life there. We believe that this draft resolution, HRC/14/L.2, reflects this concern we all share.

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Fifty-six Nations Support Joint Statement on Human Rights Conditions in Iran


Ambassador Donahoe: “Today’s joint statement on the human rights situation in Iran is a significant accomplishment for the Human Rights Council. Fifty-six states from every region of the world came together in this joint statement of solidarity with the Iranian people, bringing much-needed focus and world attention to the human rights conditions in Iran. “

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Ambassador Donahoe: Item 8, General Statement

Mr. President, today we are joining several important joint statements, in addition to making our own. We applaud the cross-regional nature of all these joint statements, and the message they send about this Council’s ability to address critical human rights situations collectively and constructively.

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United States Joins Over 50 Nations to Support Human Rights Council Statement on Iran

Mr. President, the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action (VDPA) declares that “human rights and fundamental freedoms are the birthright of all human beings” and “their protection and promotion is the first responsibility of governments.” It also recognizes that “the promotion and protection of all human rights is a legitimate concern of the international community.

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Statement of U.S. Delegation on Maternal Mortality


Thirty four percent of maternal deaths stem from unintended pregnancies, and yet over 215 million women still lack access to modern forms of contraception. Millennium Development Goal 5, aimed at reducing maternal mortality by three quarters and ensuring universal reproductive health by 2015, is the least realized Millenium Development Goal.

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Statement By The Delegation Of The United States Of America On Agenda Item 7

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The United States joined the Human Rights Council to protect and promote human rights globally and to improve the human rights machinery of the United Nations. As elected members of the HRC, we share a responsibility to respond to allegations of serious violations of human rights around the globe, wherever they may arise. We have repeatedly emphasized our commitment to principled engagement on the Council; we will support what the Council does well and work constructively on aspects that need change.

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Richard A. Falk's Report On Human Rights In The Palestinian Territories "Seriously Flawed"


The United States takes note of the report of the Special Rapporteur “on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories.” As we have relayed previously, we regret that the mandate of Special Rapporteur Falk extends only to reporting on Israel, and on many occasions we have urged this Council to adopt a balanced, objective, and constructive focus on the situation in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

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Promoting Tolerance and Mutual Respect at the Human Rights Council

Archive Photo – Human Rights Council in Session

The United States deplores the appalling remarks made before the Human Rights Council this week by the Syrian representative regarding Israel and the Israeli people. Such insults and slurs are deeply offensive and an affront to the dignity of all. They evoke classic anti-semitic stereotypes that have been denounced around the world. We call on leaders within the UN human rights system to condemn these statements. All have a responsibility to speak out when anyone, including States, stirs up hatred. We urge all States to commit to promoting tolerance and contributing to an atmosphere of mutual respect at the Human Rights Council and among people affected by its work.

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U.S. Statement on Iran UPR Report Adoption

0610 Ambassador Donahoe

The United States notes with concern Iran’s presentation during its Universal Periodic Review and the disturbing lack of progress since then in strengthening the protection of human rights in Iran.

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