Congressman Tom Rice

Representing the 7th District of South Carolina

Spending Cuts and Debt

For more information concerning my work and views on Spending Cuts and Debt, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

More on Spending Cuts and Debt

Feb 14, 2013

Washington, DC- Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07), joined his fellow new members of Congress today and called upon both Republican and Democrat leadership to put forth bipartisan plans that secure the fiscal health of our nation. This bipartisan letter urges our country’s leaders to work toward finding long-term solutions to address our country’s serious challenges.

Feb 12, 2013

Washington, DC- Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07), issued the following statement on the President’s State of the Union Address today.

“It is no surprise that President Obama delivered another lofty, grandiose speech tonight,” said Rice.  “The President is a gifted orator, and we have heard this type of rhetoric in every one of his State of the Union Addresses, but we have had enough rhetoric.  It is time for leadership.”

Feb 12, 2013

By Rep. Tom Rice

Washington is broken.

Recently, we deferred the debt ceiling crisis until May 15. Whew!

It has been only 30 days since we hung by our fingernails over the edge of the fiscal cliff! Now we face the dreaded sequester. And in March the battle over the continuing resolution looms.

Feb 6, 2013

Washington, DC- Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07), issued the following statement today on the passage of the Require a PLAN Act, which requires the President to present his plan on balancing the budget and paying down the exploding debt.

“Our national debt has ballooned under this President,” said Rice. “It is time for the President to present a plan to pay down the out of control deficit he racked up during his first four years in office.  We sent a clear message to the President today:  To get our fiscal house in order, we need less rhetoric and more leadership.” 

Jan 23, 2013

Washington, DC- Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07), supported the “No Budget, No Pay” bill today, which passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support by a vote of 285-144.

“Americans are tired. They are tired of the political theater and Washington’s inability to work together,” said Rice.  “The Senate’s refusal to pass a budget when Washington is running up a multi-trillion dollar deficit is not only unconstitutional, it’s irresponsible.  The government must quit piling their debts on to our children and grandchildren.”

Jan 14, 2013

Washington, DC- Rep. Tom Rice (SC-07), issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s press conference. 

“I find it interesting that President Obama says that the debt ceiling shouldn’t be used to negotiate reductions in deficit spending,” said Rice.  “When then Senator Obama was asked to raise the debt ceiling he refused to do so, saying that an increase in the debt ceiling constituted ‘a sign of leadership failure.’”

Jan 10, 2013

The swearing-in ceremony for new Congressman Tom Rice, R-S.C., and other members of the 113th U.S. House began about noon Thursday, Rice said late Thursday afternoon, with the formal oath-taking happening about 3 p.m.

In the two hours after that, Rice took his first four votes as the first representative of South Carolina’s new 7th Congressional District. The first, he said, was to vote for the reelection of John Boehner as Speaker of the House. The other three involved House rules.