

DOE Office of Science


The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a Department of Energy / Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center (NSRC) operating as a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary user research facility.  The CNMS is one of five DOE NSRCs that form an integrated national user network. Each NSRC is associated with other major national research facilities at one of DOE’s National Laboratories, enabling their application to nanoscale science and technology.  The central organizing concept of CNMS is to provide unique opportunities to understand nanoscale materials, assemblies, and phenomena, by creating a set of scientific synergies that will accelerate the process of discovery. 

AFM Images

AFM images of Fe nanodots and nanowires on flat and stepped NaCl surfaces (edge length 750nm)

To accomplish this, the CNMS integrates nanoscale science with three highly synergistic national needs:
• Neutron Science, using the Spallation Neutron Source, SNS, and the recently upgraded High Flux Isotope Reactor, HFIR.
• Synthesis Science, or what we call “science-driven synthesis,” facilitated by extensive and novel synthesis capabilities in the first three CNMS Research Capabilities areas listed at the bottom of this page and by a new Nanofabrication Research Laboratory.
• Theory, Modeling and Simulation, through establishing a new Nanomaterials Theory Institute, with close connections to the staff expertise and computational capabilities of ORNL's Center for Computational Sciences and the new national Leadership Scientific Computing Facility.

The CNMS's research capabilities provide a broad community of scientists, engineers, and students from throughout the nation, but particularly the southeastern United States, with ready access to the full range of tools and collaborative capabilities needed for nanoscale research, in a single location.

Scientific Themes
CNMS research focuses on understanding, designing, and controlling the dynamics, spatial chemistry, and energetics underlying functionality and properties of nanoscale materials, systems, and architectures.

Multiscale Functionality of Nanostructures

  • Developing instrumentation and techniques to image and understand the functionality of nanoscale materials and interacting assemblies
  • Research on new emerging physics and chemistry at the nanoscale
  • Forefront capabilities in scanning probes and spectroscopy, neutron and x-ray scattering, optical spectroscopy, and electron microscopy

Functional Polymer Architectures

  • Advancing our fundamental understanding of the links between polymer structure, property and function that are controlled by weak intermolecular interactions and interfacial phenomena
  • Understanding the role of macromolecular topology on self-assembly
  • Rooted in controlled synthesis of well-defined polymers and bio-inspired polymers, and in rigorous nanoscale characterization

Collective Phenomena in Nanophases

  • Builds on strong theoretical effort, focusing on understanding the emergence of collective behavior
  • Developing multiscale theory and modeling from electronic structure to the mesoscale
  • Functionality in complex systems and assemblies of nanoscale materials such as oxides and bio-inspired nanomaterials

CNMS Research Capabilities



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Updated Thursday, 31-Jan-2013 14:14:36 EST