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Substitutes in Metals Cleaning

Substitutes are reviewed on the basis of ozone depletion potential, global warming potential, toxicity, flammability, and exposure potential. Lists of acceptable and unacceptable substitutes are updated several times each year. A chronological list of SNAP updates is also available.

Note: SNAP Notices and Final Rules published in the Federal Register take precedence over all information on the web site.

Acceptable Substitutes for ODS in Metals Cleaning
Substitute ODS Being Replaced Comments
Aqueous cleaners CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform EPA is planning to issue effluent guidelines for this industry under the Clean Water Act.
Semi-aqueous cleaners CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform EPA is planning to issue effluent guidelines for this industry under the Clean Water Act.
Straight organic solvent cleaning (with terpenes, C5-C20 petroleum hydrocarbons, oxygenated organic solvents such as ketones, esters, ethers, alcohols, etc.) CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform OSHA standards must be met, if applicable.
Trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, methylene chloride CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform OSHA and RCRA standards must be met. EPA issued Maximum Achievable Control Technology requirements under the Clean Air Act for vapor degreasing in November 1994.
Supercritical fluids CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform None
Volatile methyl siloxanes CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform Approval is granted for the whole class of compounds.
Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform The OSHA set exposure limit is 200 ppm.
Hydrofluorether (HFE) 7100: C4F9OCH3 (methoxynonafluorobutane, iso and normal) CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform, HCFC-141b None
HFE-7200 (C5F9OCH3) CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform The Agency expects that any exposures will not exceed any acceptable exposure limits set by any voluntary consensus standards organization, including the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLVs) or the American Industrial Hygiene Association's (AIHA) workplace environmental exposure limits (WEELs).
Vanishing oils CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform Depending on geographic region, may be subject to VOC controls.
Heptafluorocyclopentane CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform, HCFC-141b EPA expects users to adhere to an exposure limit of 123 ppm over an eight-hour time-weighted average, with a ceiling of 500 ppm.
HFC-365mfc CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform, HCFC-141b None
HCFC-225ca and HCFC-225cb CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform EPA recommends observing the manufacturer’s recommended exposure guidelines of 50 ppm for the -ca isomer, 400 ppm for the -cb isomer, and 100 ppm for the commercial mixture of HCFC-225ca/cb.

EPA encourages users to consider other alternatives that do not have an ozone depletion potential.
HFC-4310mee CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform, HCFC-141b Company-set time-weighted average workplace exposure standard of 200 ppm, and a workplace exposure ceiling of 400 ppm.
The Mini-Max Cleaner® CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform None
n-propyl bromide CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform

EPA recommends the use of personal protective equipment, including chemical goggles, flexible laminate protective gloves and chemical-resistant clothing.

EPA expects that all users of nPB would comply with any final Permissible Exposure Limit that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issues in the future under 42 U.S.C. 7610(a). nPB, also known as 1-bromopropane, is Number 106-94-5 in the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry.

Substitutes for ODS in Metals Cleaning Acceptable Subject to Use Conditions
Substitute ODS Being Replaced Conditions or Restrictions Comments
Monochlorotoluenes and benzotrifluorides CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform Subject to a 50 ppm workplace standard for monochlorotoluenes and a 100 ppm standard for benzotrifluoride. The workplace standard for monochlorotoluenes is based on an OSHA PEL of 50 ppm for orthochlorotoluene. The workplace standard for benzotrifluoride is based on the company-set acceptable exposure limit.
Unacceptable Substitutes for ODS in Metals Cleaning
Substitute ODS Being Replaced Comments
Dibromomethane CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform High ODP; other alternatives exist.
HCFC-141b and its blends CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform High ODP; other alternatives exist.
Chlorobromomethane CFC-113, Methyl Chloroform, HCFC-141b High ODP; other alternatives exist.

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