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  Special Emphasis Program

Special Emphasis Program

The Fort Bragg Special Emphasis Program (SEP) is an intricate part of the overall Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program. The SEP and activities sponsored by the SEP are sanctioned under the following authorities:

The Department of Army requires installations to establish Special Emphasis Programs to ensure equal opportunity in hiring, training, advancement and treatment of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities. These programs are the Asian Pacific/Islander Heritage Employment Program, American Indian/Alaskan Native Employment Program; Black Employment Program, Federal Women's Employment Program, Hispanic Employment Program, and National Disability Employment Program. These programs have been consolidated at this installation and established as the Special Emphasis Program.

The Special Emphasis Program Manager (SEPM), is an EEO Specialist assigned to the EEO Office. The SEPM is assisted by the SEP Committee. The SEP Committee is composed of employees from various organizations at the installation. Membership on the committee is voluntary and open to all military and civilian employees.

The Special Emphasis Program Committee (SEPC)

Committee members serve as organizational liaisons to provide information about the concerns and needs of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities in their respective organizations.

Membership on the SEP Committee provides an opportunity for employees to become involved and make a personal commitment to the program. Committee members are on official orders for two years and attend regularly scheduled meetings.

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U.S. Army Fort Bragg - This is an Official Government Web Site. Last Modified May 31, 2012