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Publication Contacts between Police and Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey

Matthew R. Durose, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, Patrick A. Langan, Ph.D., David J. Levin, Ph.D., Steven K. Smith, Ph.D.

March 11, 2001    NCJ 184957

Presents data on the nature and characteristics of citizen contacts with the police over a 12-month period. Findings are provided from a nationally representative survey of nearly 90,000 residents age 16 or older. Detailed information is presented on face-to-face contacts with the police including traffic stops, arrests, handcuffing and incidents of police use-of-force. Discusses relevance of the findings to the issue of racial profiling. The report provides demographic characteristics of citizens and police officers involved in traffic stops and use of force encounters.

Part of the Contacts between Police and the Public Series

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Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS)

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