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Publications & Products: Use of Force
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Record 1 - 14 of 14 displayed.
Product Type Title (and Summary) Date Product Number
Publication Contacts between Police and the Public, 2008 Presents findings from a nationally representative survey of nearly 60,000 residents age 16 or older about their contact with police during the 12 months prior to the interview.
Part of the Contacts between Police and the Public Series
10/5/2011 NCJ 234599
Press Release Contacts between Police and the Public, 2005 "Police stop white, black and Hispanic drivers at similar rates according to Department of Justice report"
Press Release Citizen Complaints about Police Use of Force "Citizens complained more than 26,000 times in 2002 about excessive police force - Evidence in about 8% of complaints justified disciplinary action"
Publication Citizen Complaints about Police Use of Force Presents data on citizen complaints about police use of force received by large, general purpose State and local law enforcement agencies as well as on complaint dispositions.
6/25/2006 NCJ 210296
Publication Characteristics of Drivers Stopped by Police, 2002 Provides data on the nature and characteristics of traffic stops, as collected in the 2002 Police-Public Contact Survey, a supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey.
6/1/2006 NCJ 211471
Publication Contacts between Police and Public: Findings from the 2002 National Survey Presents data on the nature and characteristics of contacts between residents of the U.S. and the police over a 12-month period.
Part of the Contacts between Police and the Public Series
4/1/2005 NCJ 207845
Publication Characteristics of Drivers Stopped by Police, 1999 Provides data on the nature and characteristics of traffic stops, as collected in the 1999 Police-Public Contact Survey.
3/1/2002 NCJ 191548
Publication Contacts between Police and Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey Presents data on the nature and characteristics of citizen contacts with the police over a 12-month period.
Part of the Contacts between Police and the Public Series
3/11/2001 NCJ 184957
Press Release Contacts between Police and the Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey "Force or threatened force used in less than 1 percent of all police-public interactions. Half of all Contacts with Law Enforcement Officers are in Traffic Stops"
Publication Policing and Homicide, 1976-98: Justifiable Homicide of Felons by Police and Murder of Police by Felons Presents annual trends from 1976 to 1998 in two types of homicide: justifiable homicides of felons by police, and murders of police officers by felons.
3/1/2001 NCJ 180987
Publication Use of Force By Police: Overview of National and Local Data This joint report by the National Institute of Justice and BJS presents findings on the extent and nature of police use of force, discusses the difficulties in establishing measurement guidelines, illuminates circumstances under which force is applied, and provides a general framework for future research on excessive displays of force.
11/1/1999 NCJ 176330
Press Release Police Use of Force "One in five U.S. residents in contact with police during year"
Publication Police Use of Force Reports the results of the Police-Public Contact Survey and describes a project to acquire use of force data from law enforcement agencies.
11/22/1997 NCJ 165040
Publication National Data Collection on Police Use of Force Summarizes prior research on police use of force and lists the difficulties inherent in collecting use-of-force data, including definitional problems, reluctance of police agencies to provide reliable data, concerns about the misapplication of reported data, and the degree of detail needed on individual incidents.
5/1/1996 NCJ 160113

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