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Welcome to the USDA

Home Page

Congratulations on your new employment with the USDA. Since 1862, the public servants of the USDA have worked diligently to improve the lives of millions of our fellow Americans. Because the work we do affects every American, every single day, we are known as the “People’s Department.”

And now, you are part of this proud history of public service and the important work we do. Welcome to the USDA.

This web site has been written specifically for you. On it you will find all the information you need to begin your employment. Let’s start with a welcome video for you from the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Thomas Vilsack.

You may learn more about Secretary Thomas Vilsack and Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen A. Merrigan by reading their biographies.

Under the leadership of Secretary Vilsack, the USDA is currently undergoing a Cultural Transformation. This initiative will create a more diverse, inclusive and high-performing organization. USDA asked its employees how they felt about their work life, and this initiative was created as a direct response to that information. The Cultural Transformation initiative will create opportunities for you to enhance your personal and professional development and ensure optimum satisfaction in the work you are doing for the USDA. Some of the exciting opportunities available to you are teleworking and alternative work schedules, performance based bonuses and various educational opportunities through the USDA’s Virtual University. You are joining USDA at a historic time where the leadership is committed to listening to its employees and creating a truly dynamic work force.

The site will take you step-by-step through the new employment process. Simply select the tabs at the top of this page from left to right. Begin with Before You Report, which will guide you through the process of getting ready for your first day at work. There are a number of forms and some training that we would like you to complete before your first day, so please allow about three to four hours to complete all of the material. If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Human Resources Specialist.

For information on Reasonable Accommodations, please select the "Resources" tab.

Again, welcome to the “People’s Department.” We are pleased and proud to have you on board!



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