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See more of Congressman Andy Barr by logging into Facebook
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Ideas to Replace Obamacare
Barr Speaks on the REINS Act
Barr Marks End of Obama's War on Coal

It is a new year, and a new administration is about to take office. As your Representative, it is important for me to know where you stand on the issues facing our country. Please take my 2017 Constituent Survey, and be sure to share this link with your friends and family so that I can hear from as many voices in our district as possible. Thank your for your time and input!

As your Member of Congress, I would like to know more about your priorities and thoughts on key issues so that I can best represent you and all the people of Kentucky’s Sixth District.
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Today I voted for and the House passed a budget resolution which sets the stage for Congress to repeal Obamacare. The same budget reconciliation process was used in 2016 to get repeal legislation to President Obama, who vetoed the bill.

Obamacare did not fix our broken health care system, it made it worse. On behalf of the tens of thousands of Kentuckians who lost private insurance plans they liked, who have seen their premiums and deductibles skyrocket, and who have been for...ced into low-quality government plans they do not want, I am proud to vote for this legislation which lays the groundwork for repeal and replacement of this failed law.

The American people rightfully expect better, and a unified Republican government will move quickly to provide relief from Obamacare’s failures and to expand access to quality, affordable health care without growing government.

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Last night, I joined my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee to discuss how Obamacare has failed the American people, and our ideas to expand access to quality, affordable health care without growing government.


Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a day to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions that countless men and women in uniform make on a daily basis to keep our communities safe and secure. THANK YOU! #SupportBlue #TaketheLEAD2017 #ThankACop #lawenforcementappreciationday

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I am honored and humbled to have the confidence of House Committee on Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling and my colleagues to serve as Chairman of Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee for the 115th Congress. I look forward to continuing the important work of this subcommittee including vigorous oversight of the Federal Reserve to encourage a predictable and stable monetary policy that will provide certainty and economic growth for all Americans.

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Today, I spoke on the House Floor in favor of H.R. 26, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act, or the REINS Act. This bill is a needed reform that will give Congress the responsibility to approve or deny the new rules and regulations with the greatest impact on our economy. In doing so, it will restore the balance of power as described in Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution. Congress, not unelected bureaucrats, should write and be held accountable for the laws of the nation.


Republicans have put forward many ideas to fix our broken health care system and to make access to care more affordable and accessible. Yesterday, I was proud to join members of the Republican Study Committee to announce the reintroduction of the American Health Care Reform Act, which I cosponsored. The bill repeals Obamacare, and makes numerous other reforms including the Saving Lives, Saving Costs Act, legislation I introduced to lower health care costs and improve patient care through medical liability reform. We are bringing lots of ideas to the table - I hope the other side will engage with us in a constructive debate rather than just defend the status quo.

A group of conservative House Republicans unveiled legislation on Wednesday to repeal and replace Obamacare. The political message behind the bill: It's not true that Republicans don't have a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.|By MJ Lee

While President Obama is on Capitol Hill today to defend his failed health care law, House Republicans are moving forward with ambitious plans to make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

Republicans are plotting their strategy for repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Honored to be sworn in as a Member of the 115th Congress today with my family by my side. Thank you to the people of the Sixth District for your confidence in me - I will not let you down! With a unified Republican government we are ready to deliver for the American people. Let's get to work! #OpeningDay

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This regulation marks the final gasp of President Obama's War on Coal. I look forward to working with the new President to overturn not only this rule, but also the many overreaches from this administration that have hurt Kentucky families and held our economy back.

The Obama administration did not brief outside green groups ahead of the rule's release Monday, a step it has taken with major rules in the past.

This afternoon I spoke to Kentucky Chamber of Commerce members at their Legislative Preview Conference. I am looking forward to working with chamber members to advance pro-economic growth policies in the new Congress.

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Yesterday, I took to the House Floor to mark the end of a long, harsh, partisan, politicized campaign unprecedented in American history - the Obama Administration’s eight-year assault on America’s coal industry.


It is so important to learn from and listen to these veterans so that their service is never forgotten. Seventy-five years after the attack on Pearl Harbor we are grateful for those who came home, we remember those who did not, and we remain indebted to the service of all who served and fought to win World War II.

Vaughn Drake, 98, of Lexington and Herman Horn, 96, of Wilmore, are brothers in arms. They survived the attack on Pearl Harbor 75 years ago, returned to Kentucky and started families. Now they recall the event that lives with them to this day.

“We need a new tax code. It needs to be fair and simple for everyone. It should be so simple that most Americans can do their taxes on a form as simple as a postcard. Our tax code should be built for growth. It should help make the United States the best place in the world to hire and invest. And if we’re going to have a better tax code, we need a better IRS, one that puts the taxpayers first.” Learn more about the #BetterWay plan for tax reform on the video below from the Committee on Ways and Means.

Committee on Ways and Means

It is time for a better way forward on tax reform. The House Republican Tax Blueprint delivers a 21st century tax code built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of American businesses, and the growth of our nation’s economy.

Today, I voted for and the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, for Fiscal Year 2017. The NDAA is the primary way Congress meets its most important constitutional obligation to provide for the common defense.

The legislation stops the recent drawdown of the Armed Forces and makes investments to improve military readiness. NDAA authorizes funds to support military operations abroad, includes a 2.1 percent pay increase for our troops, strengthens military health care services, and prohibits the closure of the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay.

Congratulations to Commerce Lexington on being named the 2016 Chamber of the Year! This award is a reflection of their outstanding members, as well as their hard work to encourage jobs and economic growth in Central Kentucky and to share how special our city and region are with the world.


Honored to stand with my colleagues in passing the 21st Century Cures Act. Passage of this bill will give hope to millions of Americans that we will find effective treatments and cures to diseases more quickly and with less government red tape. We will transform the way that we treat mental health, and we will invest more in the fight against the growing epidemic of drug addiction which is devastating families and communities in Kentucky. This landmark legislation will improve the lives of so many suffering from disease, mental illness, and addiction.

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