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Marinecareers.net will introduce you to a wide range of marine career fields and to people working in those fields. In addition, it will give those men and women a chance to tell you what they like and dislike about their careers, what they see for the future in their fields, and much more. This site also provides you with some experts' views on what the future holds for marine science careers.


Robert E. Hueter
Marine Biologist
Ivan F. Gonzalez
Sensory Biophysicist
Chad W. Scott
Marine Engineer
John Kuriawa
Environmental Protection Specialist

> Colleges, universities and other degree-granting institutions with marine science or related jobs
> General job search information and how-to information
> Internships/fellowships/volunteer programs and opportunities
> Other web sites with useful career information
> Career-related publications, videos, pamphlets (emphasis on marine careers)

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