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Thornberry Statement on Super Committee Announcement

Washington, Nov 21, 2011 -

U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) issued the following statement after the Super Committee announced there will not be an agreement before the deadline on November 23, 2011:

"I am disappointed that the 'Super Committee' was unable to agree on a deficit reduction plan.  This is a lost opportunity to make the long-term, structural changes to federal spending that need to be made."
"While an agreement was not reached this week, it is still possible for the Congress to adopt a plan by December 23.  But, it will have to be done without expedited consideration of the bill in the Senate.  If nothing passes, the automatic sequestration will become law, taking effect in January 2013." 

"This situation makes it clear that there are fundamental differences between the two party’s views on the role of government in our lives.  The American people will have to resolve these differences at the next election."

"In the meantime, I will do everything I can to see that America's national security is not decimated by the automatic cuts in January 2013, half of which will come from defense."

"I believe that it is essential to keep working to make significant cuts in spending, to rein in government, and to reduce the deficit at every opportunity.  We need to keep pushing to get our fiscal house in order.  The country’s future and that of our children depends on it."

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