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Recent Jobs Bills

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(1) National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2011 - Establishes an independent National Infrastructure Bank to designate qualified transit, public housing, water, highway, bridge, aviation, freight, passenger rail, or road infrastructure projects for loans, loan guarantees, and other financial assistance.
(2) The National Youth Summer Jobs Act, which would provide funding to cities hardest hit by the economic crisis to develop and sustain summer job programs for youth ages 13-21. The President's American Jobs Act also proposes $1.5 billion in funding to support summer job programs for low-income youth.
(3) The Hire, Train, Retain Act would offer payroll tax exemptions to employers who train and hire unemployed Americans, getting people into training programs and on a path to employment.  
(4) The School Athletic Facilities Restoration Act of 2011 authorizes the allocation of grants to local educational agencies for the construction, renovation, or repair of school facilities used for physical education. The funds will facilitate construction hiring, while improving safe places for our children to exercise and play.

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