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Jennie Anderson

AIDS.gov Communications Advisor 

The Cloud: Using Web-Based Tools for Collaboration


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AIDS.gov cloud

A typical day in the life of many AIDS.gov team members involves writing, editing, and sharing documents — blog posts, training materials, conference materials, reports, videos, and more. Multiple team members working across cities and time zones contribute to and review each document, so having quick, effective, and easy ways to share documents is key….

One Month until World AIDS Day (December 1): How are YOU Facing AIDS?

Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day video

Co-authored by Aisha Moore, Communications Director and Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.gov

World AIDS Day (December 1) is a month away and once again we’re using social networking and photos to share messages about how we are all still Facing AIDS. Some of us once knew a world without AIDS, and for others AIDS has been around our entire lifetime. No matter your age or your familiarity with the epidemic and the many people who have been infected or affected, we hope you’ll join us again this year.

Road to AIDS 2012 Town Hall Meetings Kick Off

Road to AIDS 2012 SF Town Hall

Co-authored by Mindy Nichamin, AIDS.gov New Media Coordinator

Last month, the first Road to AIDS 2012 Town Hall meeting kicked off in San Francisco, California. This was the first of 15 meetings to be held across the country leading up to the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) (note: every Road to AIDS 2012 meeting…

Ready to Join us in Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2011?


Co-authored by Mindy Nichamin, AIDS.gov New Media Coordinator

Write. Snap. Share.

That’s how easy it is to participate in AIDS.gov’s Facing AIDS 2011 for World AIDS Day (December 1) photo initiative — back by popular demand!

30 Years of AIDS Video: A Look Back from NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Fauci on 30 Years of AIDS

This has been a big year for the HIV community. One key event was June 5 — which marked 30 years since the first reported cases of AIDS in the United States. As one of the many efforts to recognize this important milestone, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) developed a series…

National Women’s Health Week

National Women's Health Week. It's Your Time!

Yesterday was not only Mother’s Day, but it also was the start of the 12th annual National Women’s Health Week (NWHW). According to Nancy C. Lee, MD, Director of the Office on Women’s Health: The aim of this day is to raise public awareness about the importance of women’s health and encourage women and girls…

Highlights from the National Transgender Health Summit

JoAnne Keatley

What do empowerment, discrimination, data, and health have in common? They are several of the many themes we heard throughout the National Transgender Health Summit that took place in San Francisco earlier this month. The Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (CoE) organized this groundbreaking two-day Summit that brought together healthcare providers, health profession students, researchers, and…

Highlights from the White House Meeting for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Regan Hofmann and Susannah Fox

Last month I attended a White House meeting for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (March 11). This meeting brought together leaders from across the country and focused on where the response is today when it comes to HIV among women and girls in the U.S. After the event I spoke with some of…

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