Obama meets with Israeli, Palestinian leaders

In New York today, President Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

“The United States is committed to a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East,” Obama said. He said the United States seeks a solution that results in a state for Israel and Palestine in which the “Israeli people and the Palestinian people can live in peace and security and realize their aspirations, for a better life for their children.”

Middle East peace is not an easy thing to achieve, President Obama said, but “despite all the obstacles, despite all the history, despite all the mistrust, we have to find a way forward.”

For more, see “Give Mideast Talks a Chance for Success, Obama Tells Leaders.”

23 thoughts on “Obama meets with Israeli, Palestinian leaders

  1. Now material civilization is over.

    Spirit civilization will be started gradually.

    The origin of a spirit civilization is humanism.

    This is intention of Heaven(天).

    Confucius said,

    “Nation based on intention of Heaven lives. but the nation which isn’t based on intention of Heaven breaks up.”

    All globe national leaders must be based on intention of Heaven.

  2. THE ISRAEIL and PALESTEIN long lasting and comprehensive PEACE in the MIDDLE EAST needs CONCRETE LEADERSHIP between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. LEADERSHIP is about doing the RIGHT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE VECTORIAL OBLIGATIONS with AUTHENTICITY and SERVICE in the eyes of the whole sobre WORLD. Here POLITICAL MANAGEMENT is about doing those things the right way. The main QUESTION is are the two Middle East LEADERS working in RESONANCE with the OBAMA s Administration to achieve significant POLITICAL CHANGE for their CHILDREN who are currently suffering and living in FEAR under the yoke of MENTAL TERRORISM.?

    This is the RIGHT TIME THAN EVER for the two leaders to negotiate as soon as possible to have peaceul STATES in the Middle East, as” Obama said. He said the United States seeks a solution that results in a state for Israel and Palestine in which the “Israeli people and the Palestinian people can live in peace and security and realize their aspirations, for a better life for their children”.

    Now, whether it is PALESTEIN or ISRAEL HEAD OF STATE one must know or realize that any succesful POLITICAL ORGANIZATION or COALITION GOVERNMENT can only be revitalised with AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP BUT never with GREAT MANAGEMENT.
    Here the models needed are launching DYNAMIC CHANGE LEADERSHIP on the existing status quo which MUST COME first. Developing IMMEDIATE political leadership CULTURE which taps into THE VAST POTENTIAL within the two LEADERS and President OBAMA.
    Both NETANYAHU and ABBAS need to develop their quick cognitive inspirational political leadership first, before President OBAMA -then their authenticity and service will inspire other WORLD LEADERS to become conscious of their potentials to contribute to an evolving mission workplace of PEACE. The PACE OF CHANGE IS ACCELERATING THAN NEVER BEFORE.


  3. this land of Israel / palestine all belongs to GOD and not to zionist jews or right wing arabs or christians and etc.

    we all must share this land with all faith and with love and good.

    jews against zionist Israel
    jews against zionism

  4. we see so much hate from both side. and a lot of hate and anger from the right wing zionist jews. as a jew my self my own jewish people hate me for what i belive in . the right wing zionist jews hate me because I pray for both sides.

    now the world should know what kind of nation is zionist israel is. israel cannot hide the truth . God knows everything !!!

  5. the reason america is broke because our
    american TAX dollars go to nation like Israel and china and saudi arabia.
    it is sad that the last 9 years we gave Israel $30 BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND MORE BILLIONS of our dollars to Israel.

    we worry and bitch about obama health care. When Israel is the who is stealing our hard earning money.

    bush and cheney are giving our american dollars money to nations like Israel .
    zionist Israel HATES america and we give them our dollars so they can murder and killing innocent children and women.


  6. I agree with big mickey. Bush and cheney
    have given lots of billions and billions to Israel.



  7. mr presdient I voted for you so you can help the american people. please please put america first !!! NOT THE MIDDLE EAST


  8. this war will never never end .
    we can keep talking about peace BUT
    some Israeli do not want peace and rather murder and kill and steal land from the good palestian.

    what the nazi’s did to the jews the
    right wing israeli jews want to to the SAME thing to the good peacful palestinin’s.

    why is zionist israel taking out their anger and Hate on the rest of the usa and the rest of the world. WHY ISRAEL WHY ???

  9. Can Israel take Obama Lightly ?

    America has changed so the World, it is time Israel Changes to bring peace and Happiness for the People of Israel and Palestine too.

    It is the Question of Will to live side by side in peace and prosperity. The will is clear in the words and actions of President Barack Obama, and her Secretary of States Hillary Clintorn, and the Special Envoy for Middle East Mitchell. No govt has understood and taken the issue of Middle East as close to it as the Govt of United Satiates of America Govt lead by Barack Obama does, from the moment it took the Oath of Office in White House.

    No more Eye Wash. Time to Act.

    Mr. Obama has not kept any of the concerns coming out of Israel or Palestine in back burner, neither he pushed the process for a meaningful dialogue and initiative for peace in the region as a political and cosmetic value for expressing peace and projecting the American Resolve only as a eye wash.

    The President and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the American Administration are very keen and committed as the word committed means in dictionary.

    Not Just Photo Sessions and Hand Shakes. These hands shakes should translate in to Reality on Ground.

    Mr. Obama means serious business and he is not the one who wants this talk of peace and lasting solution to Middle East Crisis, limited to Photo Session between the leader of Israel, Palestine and US, like many other such triangular meets to find peace in the region and bring the warring and strained people of the world Israel and Palestine together.

    For American People Israel is Excess Baggage.

    The willingness of US is in many ways very rightly expressed by Obama is not only in the interest of Israel and Palestine and the Middle East but it is in the interest of the World Community and the American Nation. America of Obama and the Americans of today know the brunt of load and financial overload the Israeli Nation has burdened the exchequer of America.

    The fact is there isn’t big and real money to bring good to the people of America and the World, How can Israel expect America to carry excess baggage called Israel at the cost of interest, and the rights of the Children and Old Americans who are struggling to give a go to the Health Bill in the US Senate and Govt of Obama facing the resistance from congressmen in the senate.

    Will to give Good future to People of the Region should be the Goal. By both Israel and Palestine.

    The Govt of Israel and the leadership of Netheyahu the Prime Minister of Israel know very well that this time it will not be easy to push Obama with divert tact to confuse the American with negative dialogue and excuses of Iran and Hamas, Al Fatha and Palestinian Resistance.

    Neither the Palestinian can push the peace off the hook by only blaming the Israelis they both will have no option but to sit and think and leave the history, apprehensions, mistrust, and conflict of the years of disrespect to the resolutions of UN behind.

    America will be Tough on Any for Peace and Happiness of People of the World.

    Obama means, action, Obama may have a dictionary of vocabulary of good words and words and sentences which with decent communicative tone. But I will not be surprised if this soft spoken and friendly looking Obama Administration will act with firm fist to deal with any violation of International norms, and disrespect to the UN resolutions and killing or putting to risk any innocent soul in any part of the world.

    Israel has known, since the change of guard in US post George W Bush that the honey moon with the West and the Americans in Particular is over, it is time to take them seriously. Israel can no longer take America and Britain on ride.

    Though the America likes to give the feel that Israel and its people are very dear to them.
    True the Israeli people are dear to Americans and the People of the world but not the attitude of Israeli Gvot. which finds it uncomfortable to make peace in the region, and continue to keep blaming on its issue of insecurity blaming few outfits in Palestinian.

    The Cold War is Past History, The World has Changed, It will support Peaceful Nations only. The do not like to have pressure centers any more.

    Today Israel is important because it has to give peace in the region at all cost not because it has to keep the conflict alive it is not in the interest of Israel, its people or Palestine, neither US is keen in keeping the area fragile with insecurity and harassment of people of Israel and palatine.

    Israel is not so dear to the America, or The Britain that it will risk the life’s of the people innocent people in Israel and Palestine, and the rights of the American People for keeping Israel as a Point of Pressure on the Arabs, Iran, or the Nations of the for Political Goals to Accomplish any more.

    The Pages of History loaded with Agony

    This is the time of real time approach no more short-lived agendas it is time for long term settlement and peace for all people of the World, and the World has come long way since 1947 British and the French policies, and The Arabs have walked with pain since then and since 1967 war of 6 days with Israel. There is only regret which comes out of the history pages for Arabs and Israelis, there are no moments of relief or comfort in the Past events and unfolded history for both the warring people in more than 63 years.

    Obama Air of Truth and Trust and Real Peace Finder.

    Palestine is keen to take line set by the American since Obama, the Israelis are still reluctant to fall in line with the Two Nation solution coined by Obama which is largely accepted by the West and the Islamic Nations.

    A peace of advice for the Israelis Brother and the Prime Minister of Israel brother. This time it will not be easy to put the resolve and committed thrust put forward by Obama to be fizzled by attitude of non co operation and not liking to see the interest of the People of Israel and there well being in fore front of the whole conflict and respecting the rights of both the Israelis and Palestinians.

    Time to do Good Business, Go for Peace, Go for Happiness, and Opportunity for People of the Region.

    This President means business, he is not in the chair of the most powerful office to waste your time and his time and my time. The term of Obama is committed to do it, and the world will help him do it. Interesting will be what the choice will be, in what format the peace will come for the People of Palestine and Israel.

    This is how the most world feels today.

    The Arabs, Israelis, American, West, Asia, Africa and Europe. Be it a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or a Buddhist, or a Hindu. Or a Athirst. Because they all want happiness for themselves and a better world for there children free from hate and conflicts be it is Middle East, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Korea, or Bosnia.

    adil mh


  10. An age old dispute cannot afford to linger any more according to the dictates of the Higher Power of its state of trinity linked directly with God and under that no country of the world materially or otherwise has an obligation to stand by any of the party standing in dispute over Middle East. The concept on it is each for its own pays in due coins where others should not be seen like coming in as friends or with aid material. The governments of the region involved are expected to realize that where legacy of the region stands of its strong religious base, the two can either fight to settle scores or come to compromising terms of friendship and faith in God that teaches hatred for none except where the fundamental religious goes to build hatred that has no wings of its own. Middle East dispute should not be seen extended into others because no one should be seen involving to its extension where world war comes into the picture. Those days are gone, the days that had belonged to an era before the cold war came into the picture. It is unfortunate that America’s leverage towards Israel in the past stands grossly misunderstood by many housing the Muslim psyche of its state of lower vital on it of the element of Jihad and that is something that calls for the religious books to be rewritten by the elite of Muslim community and by Israel as well on the rights that they come to claim under the domain of God. Israeli’s as humans have to realize that their fate of peace just does not lie in the government. For one to be nationalistic does not mean closing or shutting the inner eye of wisdom, a thing that even the disciplined armed forces engaged have to realize with its ultimate ends on it? Religious based conflicts never go to achieve peace because peace is spiritually held by the Supra mental and I do not have all the time in this world to explain to life on the meaning of Supra mental and what is connected above or beyond it to say “Time lost cannot be recalled”. Obama is a different being to all others who have been earlier Presidents of America and by that I do not mean Obama is extraordinary over other Presidents of America. Obama has been the requirement of Time through the Timeless as the Mortal with a wisdom state appropriate that should not be rated with either plus or minus because he (Obama) stays spontaneous with his job to meet all the odds of change that stand over his head like the sword of God. So why should he be misunderstood by any body truly wise of life. This makes my comment – thank you all for bearing with me on it.

  11. I liked Ghadafi’s idea of one State to encompass both Israelis and Palestinians with co-Presidents with equal power and access to all the territories. No fences. No checkpoints. Return of the homes of the Palestinians to them.
    Settlements for both groups, interspersed.
    The 21st Century is too late to have Apartheid.

  12. Gentile Signore,
    se mi permetto di commentare un argomento così difficile e finora insolubile, è perchè ritengo che la questione israele palestina riguardi i cittadini di tutto il mondo. Io non ho mai visitato “quel”paese,( perchè di un unico paese si tratta), a causa della sua pericolosità, ma ritengo che anche il turismo potrebbe aiutare a normalizzare l’area. Ma prima dovremmo aiutare i palestinesi ad uscire da quell’isolamento. I bambini vivono e conoscono SOLTANTO poveri vicoli e case dove immagini di martiri e figli uccisi sono venerate e dove anche i cartoni animati in TV inneggiano alla guerra santa, quindi non conoscono e non giocano e non hanno scambi di idee con altri popoli, che potrebbero aiutarli a sentirsi parte di quel mondo che loro non conoscono e da cui si sentono rifiutati. Il loro è un mondo chiuso di cui sono loro custodi e prigionieri allo stesso tempo. Ed è la paura invece il loro nemico.
    E la paura di ciò che non si conosce è la peggiore di tutte.
    Se potessi sognare vorrei che l’IsraelPalestina fosse un paese amato, soprattutto da chi dice di amarlo e invece vuole solo possederlo. Vorrei che Gerusalemme città guardiana delle religioni fosse una città senza patria, capitale di tutti e nessun luogo,poiche lo spirito che gli uomini vi cercano non ha confini. senza sangue o armi, protetta e governata dall’ONU, una citta aperta come una casa: una vera città di pace. grazie e un saluto a tutti. Lorella

  13. I fully adree with rabbi abraham isacc goldberg who is giving a message of peace, brotherhood of mankind and, as such, it reflects the real spirit of Judaism like all religions. God Bless him and us all too!

  14. mr. presdient please STOP sending our american dollars to the nation of Israel .
    we americans are also suffering from poverty and crime and with no good jobs .


    please STOP giving our AMERICAN DOLLARS to Israel and saudi arabia .