Fact Sheet

Current Random Testing Rates

2013 DOT Random Testing Rates

The following chart outlines the annual minimum drug and alcohol random testing rates established within DOT Agencies and the USCG for 2013.

DOT Agency
2013 Random Drug Testing Rate
2013 Random Alcohol Testing Rate
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration



Federal Aviation Administration



Federal Railroad Administration



Federal Transit Administration



Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration



United States Coast Guard
(now with the Dept. of Homeland Security)
This chart is not official to USCG regulated marine employers until after the Coast Guard publishes in the Federal Register an official notice announcing the random testing rate for year 2013.



NOTE: Employers (and C/TPAs) subject to more than one DOT Agency drug and alcohol testing rule may continue to combine covered employees into a single random selection pool. However, companies (and C/TPAs) doing so must test at or above the highest minimum annual random testing rates established by the DOT Agencies under whose jurisdiction they fall. For example, an employer having both FMCSA- and FRA-covered employees in one pool must test, as a minimum rate, 50% for drugs and 10% for alcohol. PHMSA- and USCG-regulated employees should not to be placed in DOT random alcohol testing pools. Contact the appropriate DOT Agency for additional clarification.

[Please note that USCG covered employees may be combined with DOT covered employees in drug testing pools even though the USCG is now part of the Department of Homeland Security.]

Updated: Tuesday, December 11, 2012