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photo of Congressman Faleomavaega Congressman Eni F.H. Faleomavaega Photos of Congressman Faleomavaega
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Washington, D.C.—Faleomavaega Assigned to Subcommittees in the Committee on Natural Resources for the 113th Congress (1/25/2013)

           Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he has been assigned to the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Ocean and Insular Affairs and the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs by the U.S. House Democratic Caucus of the House Committee on Natural Resources.  The Committee on Natural Resources consists of 26 Republicans and 21 Democrats.                The Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Ocean and Insular Affairs has jurisdiction on all issues pertaining to our Insular Areas, including Compact countries, as well as fisheries and wildlife resources.  This includes oversight on the budgets for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Office of Insular Affairs within the U.S. Department of Interior, as well as the National Marine Fisheries Service and the specific programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the U.S. Department of Commerce.                The Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs oversees all matters relating to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.  This includes federal policy on tribal recognition, natural resources management on Indian reservation, and all budgetary requests for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and other offices and agencies that have functions relating to Native American and Alaska Native affairs.                         “Given the national debt crisis our nation faces today, there will be much work to do concerning the priorities and funding for the U.S. Department of Interior,” Faleomavaega said.  “This may also include the merging of agencies as part of President Obama’s consolidation plan for the federal government.”                “I’m excited also that my good friend, Colleen Hanabusa, is the new ranking member of the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs.  I look forward to working closely with Colleen, especially with the efforts in ensuring that our Native Hawaiians are given federal recognition.”                   “I congratulate Subcommittee Chairmen Fleming and Young as well as Ranking Members Hanabusa and Bordallo for their assignments for the 113th Congress,” Faleomavaega concluded.  ...more »

Washington, D.C.—Faleomavaega Congratulates Seiuli Jesse Sapolu on the Publication of His Book “I Gave My Heart To San Francisco” (1/24/2013)
          Congressman Faleomavaega today offered his congratulations to Seiuli Jesse Sapolu on the recent publication of his book “I Gave My Heart to San Francisco”.  The book was published by Celebrity Publishing, and describes the life of Seiuli Jesse Sapolu from his birth in Apia, Samoa in 1961, growing up as a Samoan, his battle with a life threatening heart condition, to his illustrious career with the San Francisco 49ers,” Faleomavaega said.                “Seiuli Jesse Sapolu is the son of missionaries, his parents were both ministers and his dad attended the Malua Theological College in the Independent State of Samoa.  Both his parents served as missionaries in Papua New Guinea and helped introduce Christianity to the Papuans.”                “He was drafted in the eleventh round of the 1983 NFL draft and was the last pick of the 49ers.  Despite being the last pick, he worked hard to become a key player in the San Francisco 49er Super Bowl Champion teams.  He played his entire 15 year-career with the 49ers and was selected to two Pro Bowls.  He is the only Samoan NFL player to win 4 Super Bowl,” Faleomavaega continued.                “Since finishing his 15 year-career with the 49ers, he has dedicated his life to helping the Samoan youth by hosting and participating in football camps and other programs that help mentor Samoan youth.  I have had the privilege of working with Jesse at football camps like the recent Polynesian All American Classic held last month in California.  I have seen firsthand the dedication and commitment that Jesse has to helping the Samoan community.”   “Jesse is the symbol of perseverance, as a child he suffered from acute rheumatic fever a disease that afflicts children between the ages of 6 and 15.  He developed an enlarged heart as a result of the rheumatic fever.  Despite his painful heart condition, he played his entire NFL career with an enlarged heart, until the damage became so severe that he needed surgery after his 14th season.  To prove to kids that it is possible to play in the NFL after open-heart surgery, he returned for a 15th season with the 49ers.  The heart condition he suffers from is preventable and he is working to educate people about rheumatic fever to prevent children from developing the disease.”                “Jesse is a true Samoan warrior in every sense of the word, in terms of his endurance and perseverance to overcome life obstacles.  Despite the adversity he faced, he continued to work hard to succeed and he serves an example for all Samoans.”               “I congratulate Jesse on his legendary NFL career and the publication of his new book “I Gave My Heart to San Francisco,”  Faleomavaega concluded.   ...more »

Washington, D.C.—Faleomavaega Elected as Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific (1/18/2013)
          Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that on Tuesday January 15, 2013 he was unanimously elected as Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. The Subcommittee now includes India and Pakistan and has oversight for U.S. foreign policy affecting more than 60% of the world’s population.               “I thank my colleagues for their support of my bid for Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific,” Faleomavaega said. “I look forward to working with my Republican counterpart, Chairman Steve Chabot, to address the complex issues facing this important region of the world, especially at a time when the Obama Administration has made clear that U.S. foreign, economic and security policy must ‘pivot’ toward Asia.”               “For years, I have called for greater U.S. engagement with Asia-Pacific countries, and I am hopeful that the U.S. is finally serious about advancing peace, stability and prosperity in this region of the world. I am especially pleased that South Asia has been moved back into the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific where it rightfully belongs, and I also intend to shine a light on the needs of those living in this area.”               “As we begin the work of the 113th Congress, I welcome the members of our Subcommittee. I know they, too, are committed to strengthening cooperation with our Asia-Pacific partners. From maritime security to growing energy needs to poverty, food security, HIV/AIDS, climate change, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, defense engagements and more, we have much work to do. But I have full confidence that we can make a difference and so I thank the people of American Samoa for their support in also working to bring about peaceful solutions for the Asia-Pacific region,” Faleomavaega concluded.     ...more »

Washington, D.C.—Faleomavaega Regrets Unable to Attend Opening of Fono Joint Session on January 14, 2013 (1/10/2013)
Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that in a letter dated January 9, 2012, he responded to a letter from Governor Lolo M. Moliga requesting a meeting of leaders of government to address priority issues of concern in the Territory.   In a letter dated January 5, 2013, Governor Lolo expressed a “fervent desire for a meeting of all the leaders of government to define and articulate issues for collaboration” with the hopes that Congressman Faleomavaega could avail time for such a meeting to coincide with the opening of the 33rd American Samoa Legislature on Monday, January 14th.   Congressman Faleomavaega responded to the Governor by congratulating him on his successful transition into the new gubernatorial administration and expressing his regrets for not being able to be on island at the proposed time.   Faleomavaega wrote, “…I appreciate you alerting me of your interest to convene a meeting with government leaders regarding important issues facing the people of American Samoa. However, because Congress will be in session during the weeks of January 14th and January 21st, I regret that I will not be available at the proposed time frame coinciding with the opening of the 33rd American Samoa Legislature on January 14th.”   “I plan to hopefully be in American Samoa from January 24th through January 28th. If such a meeting were to take place during this time period, I would gladly attend. I also would be agreeable to a meeting with you during that time frame in lieu of my absence for the proposed meeting,” Faleomavaega concluded  ...more »

Washington, D.C.—Faleomavaega Withdraws from Ranking Member Race and Thanks Colleagues for their Ground-breaking Support of His Historic Bid (11/28/2012)
Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he is withdrawing from the race for Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.  In doing so, he thanks his colleagues for their ground-breaking support of his historic bid.  ...more »

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