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bulletVIDEO: Governor Snyder Speaks to the Detroit Regional Chamber
By: Reinvention Blog | February 13, 2013
Governor Snyder spoke at the Detroit Regional Chamber luncheon on Monday about Michigan's FY2014 budget.

bulletExpanding Medicaid for a Better Michigan
By: Gov. Rick Snyder | February 07, 2013
I'm proposing a new policy for Michigan -- an expansion of Medicaid to provide health insurance for those Michiganders who need it most.

bulletBudgeting for the Future
By: Gov. Rick Snyder | February 07, 2013
Michigan is the comeback state of the nation, but for all we've done, it's just not good enough. Now is the time to continue our reinvention with the FY 2014 budget.

bulletFacts About Medicaid Expansion
By: Reinvention Blog | February 06, 2013
The expansion of Medicaid will provide health insurance for those Michiganders who need it most, while saving money and improving care for all of our citizens.

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