Who is the USPPI Anyway?

By Sean

Determining who the USPPI is in an export transaction can be challenging at times. There are five different parties that can be the USPPI. Those parties include:

  • U.S. Seller
  • U.S. Manufacturer
  • U.S. Order Party
  • U.S. Customs Broker
  • Foreign Entity

We receive numerous scenarios from the trade community who are trying to determine who the USPPI is in their transaction. Most cases are straightforward and easy to determine. However, there are some that make you think and maybe even have to draw a diagram. Below are some of those not so easy scenarios.

Scenario 1:

Boston Auto is a U.S. seller of vehicles and Car Traders is an online auctioneer, that auctions used automobiles. Car Traders directly negotiates the sale of an automobile between the foreign buyer and Boston Auto. Who is the USPPI?

Car Traders, the online auctioneer, would be the USPPI because they are acting in the capacity of an order party. However, if Boston Auto only posts the vehicle on Car Traders website, and Boston Auto negotiates directly with the buyer, Boston Auto is the USPPI.

Scenario 2:

An Italian company sells and sends goods to a U.S. company. The U.S. company refuses to take possession of the goods and the goods need to be returned to the Italian company. Who is the USPPI?

If the U.S. company is the importer of record, they are the USPPI. However, if the importer of record is a foreign entity, the USPPI will be the Customs Broker who cleared the goods on their behalf. Refer to the CF-7501 to determine who cleared the goods at the port of entry.

Scenario 3:

A tourist from Africa visits the U.S. and buys a necklace valued over $2,500 from Jewelry Depot. Who is the USPPI?

The tourist would be the USPPI because they were in the U.S. at the time the goods were purchased. They would provide their foreign passport number to a U.S. authorized agent in order for the agent to complete the AES filing.

For more information about the responsibilities of the USSPI please consult section 30.3 of the Foreign Trade Regulations.


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2 Responses to Who is the USPPI Anyway?

  1. Manuela says:

    Scenario 3:

    What if a person from another country (Africa, Europe, etc…) buys an item in the US valued over $2,500 via the internet. He then asks to have that item shipped to a Freight Forwarder in the US. The Forwarder would fill out the AES (after obtaining a POA from his client – the foreigner). Who would be the USPPI?

    • Global Reach Daniel says:

      Thank you for your question Manuela. When determining who the USPPI is, it is important to know who is receiving the monetary or primary benefit from the export transaction. My understanding is that the freight forwarder in this case is completing the AES on behalf of the seller (after they give the freight forwarder a power of attorney). The U.S. seller is still the person or company who is receiving money from abroad to export the item. If that is the case, they are the USPPI.

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