List of Measures

National Healthcare Quality Report, 2003

The National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR) tracks disparities in both quality of and access to health care in the United States for both the general population and for AHRQ's congressionally designated priority populations. This is the text version of the NHDR 2008 slide presentation.

List of Measures

In 1999 Congress mandated that the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report annually to the Nation about health care disparities. An interagency workgroup developed a preliminary measure set for the National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR). Select for Background on the original NHDR measures development process.

The NHDR and the National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR) were designed and planned as companion reports. To ensure uniformity, these two reports use identical measures of quality of health care to the extent possible with available data. (Because of data unavailability, examining disparities in some of these quality measures was not possible in the first NHDR.)

In addition to examining disparities in quality of health care, the NHDR also examines disparities in access to health care. To view the NHDR access measures, select for:

2003 NHDR Final Access to Care Measures

Getting Into the Health Care System
   Health Insurance Coverage / Usual Source of Care / Patient Perceptions of Need
Getting Care Within the System
   Difficulty Getting Care
Patient Perceptions of Their Care
   Patient-Provider Communication / Patient-Provider Relationship / Cultural Competency / Health Information
Health Care Utilization
   Overall Utilization / Care in Doctors' Offices and Hospital Outpatient Departments / Referred Care / Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment / HIV Care / Emergency Care / Inpatient Care / Chronic Care

Getting Into the Health Care System

TopicMeasureNational Databasea
Health Insurance CoveragePeople under 65 with health insurancebNHIS
People under 65 with any private insuranceNHIS
People 65 and over with any private insuranceNHIS
People under 65 with public insurance onlyNHIS
People uninsured all yearMEPS
People with any period of public insurance during a yearMEPS
People with any period of uninsurance during a yearMEPS
Usual Source of CarePeople who have a specific source of ongoing carebNHIS
People in fair or poor health who have a specific source of ongoing careNHIS
People with hospital, emergency room, or clinic as a source of ongoing careNHIS
People without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason for not having a source of careMEPS
People who have a usual primary care providerbMEPS
Adults with community health center as usual source of careCommonwealth
Adults who report very little or no choice in source of careCommonwealth
Adults who have not had their regular doctor for more than 5 yearsCommonwealth
Patient Perceptions of NeedFamilies that experience difficulties or delays in obtaining health care or do not receive needed careb MEPS
Families that experience difficulties or delays in obtaining health care due to financial or insurance reasonsMEPS
Families that did not receive a doctor's care or prescription medications because the family needed the moneyMEPS
Families not very satisfied that they can get health care if they need itMEPS
Adults who can always get appointments for routine care as soon as wantedMEPS
Adults who can always get care for illness or injury as soon as wantedMEPS

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Getting Care Within the System

TopicMeasureNational Databasea
Difficulty Getting CarePeople who usually use public transportation to get to providerMEPS
People with provider who has office hours at night or on weekendsMEPS
People with difficulty getting appointments with provider on short noticeMEPS
People with difficulty contacting provider over the telephoneMEPS
Adults without problems getting referral to a specialist in past yearMEPS
People not very satisfied with professional staff at provider's officeMEPS
People who usually wait > 30 minutes before seeing providerMEPS
Emergent/urgent emergency department visits with wait of > 1 hourNHAMCS-ED
Semi-urgent/non-urgent emergency department visits with wait of �> 1 hourNHAMCS-ED
Emergency department visits in which the patient left without being seenNHAMCS-ED

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Patient Perceptions of Their Care

TopicMeasureNational Databasea
Patient-Provider CommunicationPeople with provider who generally listens and gives needed information about health/health careMEPS
People with provider who usually asks about� medications and treatments other doctors may giveMEPS
Adults whose providers always listened carefully to themMEPS
Adults whose providers always explained things in a way they could understandMEPS
Adults whose providers always showed respect for what they had to sayMEPS
Adults with one or more indicators of poor communication at their last visitCommonwealth
Patient-Provider RelationshipPeople not satisfied with quality of care received from providerMEPS
People not confident in provider's help when they have a medical problemMEPS
Adults whose providers always spent enough time with themMEPS
Adults who rate their health care on a scale from 0-10 (0-6, 7-8, 9-10)MEPS
Adults not treated with a great deal of dignity and respectCommonwealth
Adults not involved as much as wanted in decisionmakingCommonwealth
Adults with not as much time as wanted with doctorCommonwealth
Adults with incident in past 2 years when they did not follow doctor's adviceCommonwealth
Adults who report that they or a family member got sick due to doctor or hospital mistakeCommonwealth
Cultural CompetencyAdults who believe they would have gotten better care if different race/ethnicityCommonwealth
Adults who felt treated with disrespect because of race/ethnicityCommonwealth
Adults who do not strongly agree that doctor understands background and valuesCommonwealth
Health InformationAdults who did not find prescription bottle very easy to understandCommonwealth
Adults who did not find information from doctor's office very easy to understandCommonwealth
Adults who do not use Web for health informationCommonwealth
Adults who do not use printed material for health informationCommonwealth
Adults who do not call their doctor for health informationCommonwealth

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Health Care Utilization

TopicMeasureNational Databasea
Overall UtilizationPeople with office or outpatient visitMEPS
People with prescription medicationsMEPS
People with dental visitMEPS
People with emergency room visitMEPS
People with inpatient dischargeMEPS
People with home health visitMEPS
Care in Doctors' Offices and Hospital Outpatient DepartmentsOutpatient visits per 100 populationNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits where patient was seen before in clinic or practiceNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits where patient was seen by patient's primary care providerNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits where patient was seen for non-illness careNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits with counseling or education about diet or nutritionNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits with counseling or education about exerciseNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits with counseling or education about tobacco use and exposureNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits where physician spent >30 minutes with patientNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Referred CareOutpatient visits where patient was referred by another physician or by a health planNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Outpatient visits where patient was referred to another physicianNAMCS/NHAMCS-OPD
Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse TreatmentAdults who received mental health treatment or counseling in the past yearNHSDA
Adults who received outpatient mental health treatment or counselingNHSDA
Adults who received prescription medications for mental health treatmentNHSDA
Adults who received inpatient mental health treatment or counselingNHSDA
Adults with serious mental illness who received� mental health treatment or counselingNHSDA
People 12 and older who received illicit drug or alcohol abuse treatment in the past yearNHSDA
People 12 and older who needed treatment at a specialty facility for illicit drug use and who received such treatment in the past yearNHSDA
Inpatient admissions to specialty mental health organizations per 100,000 populationCPSS
Residential care admissions to specialty mental health organizations per 100,000 populationCPSS
<24 hour care admissions to specialty mental health organizations per 100,000 populationCPSS
HIV CareHospitalizations for HIV per 10,000 populationNHDS
HIV patients� with 4 or more ambulatory visits in the past yearHIV Research Network
HIV patients with CD4 <50� with 4 or more ambulatory visits in the past yearHIV Research Network
HIV patients with inpatient hospitalization in the past yearHIV Research Network
HIV patients with CD4 <50 with inpatient hospitalization in the past yearHIV Research Network
Emergency Care Emergency department visits per 100 populationNHAMCS-ED
Emergency department visits for injury or poisoning per 10,000 populationNHAMCS-ED
Emergency department visits for asthma per 10,000 populationb NHAMCS-ED
Emergency department visits where patient was seen by intern/resident onlyNHAMCS-ED
Inpatient CareTotal hospitalizations per 100 populationNHDS
Avoidable admissions for hypertension per 100,000 population 18 and olderHCUP SID
Avoidable admissions for angina per 100,000 population 18 and olderHCUP SID
Avoidable admissions for COPD per 100,000 population 18 and olderHCUP SID
Avoidable admissions for bacterial pneumonia per 100,000 populationHCUP SID
Perforated appendices per 1,000 admissions with appendicitisHCUP SID
Admissions for PTCA per 100,000 population 40 and olderHCUP SID
Admissions for coronary artery bypass graft surgery per 100,000 population 40 and olderHDUP SID
Admissions for hysterectomy per 100,000 female population 18 and olderHCUP SID
Admissions for laminectomy or spinal fusion per 100,000 population 18 and olderHCUP SID
Cesarean deliveries per 1,000 deliveriesHCUP SID
Vaginal births per 1,000 women with previous cesarean deliveriesHCUP SID
Chronic Care Adult home health care discharges per 10,000 populationNHHCS
Adult nursing home discharges per 10,000 populationNNHS
Adult nursing home discharges who received at least one rehabilitative serviceNNHS
Adult nursing home discharges who received mental health servicesNNHS
Adult nursing home discharges who were discharged either recovered or stabilizedNNHS
Hospice discharges per 100,000 populationNHHCS

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a Key to national database acronyms:

Commonwealth = The Commonwealth Fund 2001 Health Care Quality Survey
CPSS = Client-Patient Sample Survey (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
HCUP SID = Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project State Inpatient Databases (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
MEPS = Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
NAMCS = National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHAMCS-ED = National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey-Emergency Department (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHAMCS-OPD = National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey-Outpatient Department (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHDS = National Hospital Discharge Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHHCS = National Home and Hospice Care Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHIS = National Health Interview Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)
NHSDA = National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
NNHS = National Nursing Home Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics)

b Consensus process: Healthy People 2010 (HP2010)

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Current as of September 2010
Internet Citation: List of Measures: National Healthcare Quality Report, 2003. September 2010. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.