Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Roadmap for Hydrogen Vehicles and Infrastructure to Support a Transition to a Hydrogen Economy

Research, Development, Demonstration, & Deployment Roadmap for Hydrogen Vehicles & Infrastructure to Support a Transition to a Hydrogen Economy

Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Roadmap for Hydrogen Vehicles and Infrastructure to Support a Transition to a Hydrogen Economy

October 2005

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Road 1 — Safety Codes, Standards, and Regulations
Road 2 — Infrastructure Development and Deployment
Road 3 — Safety Education, Outreach, and Training
Road 4 — Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle RDD&D
Table & Figures
Table 1: General Timeline for Significant Rulemaking
Figure 1: DOT-Wide Activities Supporting Road 1
Figure 2: DOT-Wide Activities Supporting Road 2
Figure 3: Possible Hydrogen Delivery Pathways Illustrate the Interface between Transport and Distribution Modes and PHMSA Regulatory Interfaces
Figure 4: DOT-Wide Activities Supporting Road 3
Figure 5: DOT-Wide Activities Supporting Road 4
Figure 6: NHTSA Flow Chart
Figure 7: PHMSA OPS Flow Chart
Figure 8: PHMSA OHMS Flow Chart
Figure 9: FMCSA Flow Chart
Figure 10: MARAD Flow Chart
Figure 11: FTA Flow Chart
Figure 12: FAA Flow Chart
Appendix A - FY 2006 Budget Request for Research, Development, and Technology